Update 2024-03-27: Greatly expanded the "Samples" page and renamed it to "Glossary".
Update 2024-04-04: Added 5 million mid-2011 posts from the k47 post dump. Browse (mostly) them here.
Update 2024-04-07: Added ~400 October 2003 posts from 4chan.net. Browse them here.
Welcome to Oldfriend Archive, the official 4chan archive of the NSA. Hosting ~170M text-only 2003-2014 4chan posts (mostly 2006-2008).
>Start dating fat nerd girl that I met. >She's probably around 280lbs at a height of 5'1" so REALLY big. >We're both virgins >Pull down her boxers since I'm about to give her oral sex for the first time. >Huge bush of pubic hair covering her thighs and all around her vagina >The mound of fat has these little valleys between the vagina and her thighs and they're coated with this thick cheesy crust (don't know what that was) and it tastes really weird. >See bits of hair growing underneath her lowest fat roll >That same cheesy crust is under there too >Hear her crying and apologizing, mentions that she has trouble cleaning herself
;_; I love her so much but that was really hard for me.
I hear from many ppl I meet "sex is easier if you don't know the other person too well"
but when I think about having sex just for having sex, I feel a pressure... like "if they just want to have sex, the will measure me just by my sex performance... and maybe it's bad..."
This world is disappointing me more and more day by day. How can I become heartless? How Can I be un-caring? I used to be such a giving person, such a kind loving guy, but I don't want to, it get's me NO WHERE. So /adv/ How would you accomplish something like this?
There was a couple threads floating around /adv/ last night that I'm curious about...
1. A guy who had his GF flip her shit over some SFW pictures, delete them, then she drove away and came back to take a shower. Anons convinced the guy he was being cheated on.
2. Girlfriend asked anon for 3 way with another guy she just met, /adv/ convinced him to say no, she called him a pussy and drove away, where everyone presumes she slept with the other guy anyway.
So, did the OPs ever get around to telling anyone if anyone was cheating or not, what happened, etc.?
Is Banging Prostitutes A Worthwhile Alternative To Dating?
From the way I see it: >You're paying anyway, in terms of shelling out for their dates, gifts, etc. >The quality of the women sexually is much higher, since they're professionals >The quality of the women emotionally is irrelevant, since you don't need to see the same one twice >The emotional support of a girlfriend can be substituted by a large network of friends >The actual time, effort and money spent on an escort may be less than that of even a single date with someone else
Not to mention the horror stories you can avoid, ranging from being shit-talked about over something petty up to and including being wrongly accused of rape
I absolutely fucking loathe small-talk. Every time I leave or come it's as if I have to play 20 Questions with my roommate. >Where am I headed? >Who with? >What am I going to do? >Where have I been? >What have I been up to? >Who with? etc etc
What is a good response that will decrease the frequency of such needless, pointless questions in the future? Without sounding like a needlessly angry social retard, I mean. Being short/vague only goes so far. Fuck it just grates on my nerves. >I'm minding my own fucking business, that's what.
How do I get my boyfriend to open up? My boyfriend is cold - ice cold. We've been together for three years and I've never seen him cry. Our dog, 2 years old, was hit by a car right in front of us and he didn't even flinch, not even when she was whining in pain.
His father committed suicide, and, when I told him, he just kinda...shrugged. Said he saw that coming.
I know he loves me, at least I think he does. I'm starting to doubt it..
>Boyfriend tells me he never wants kids. >Am okay with that because I don't really like kids anyway. >Ask him what would happen if the pill failed and I got preggers. >Wants me to get an abortion and if not absolutely refuses to help take care of the kid or pay for it. >Feel a little hurt over that answer.
I don't think I could ever go through with an abortion, and I'm a bit hurt that he would completely disown the kid if I kept it. What the hell?
Is this my fault? My boyfriend and I got into a 2 weeks ago, and I decided to withdraw sex from him until he apologized. He insisted that he had nothing to apologize for and, as I just found, cheated on me yesterday.