>>986609>You're fucking a dog, who can't possibly begin to share the same feelings you do during the act.Wow, it lacks nerves to feel pleasure? Sure it sucks to be a dog, then.
>If there is a God, you'll have to answer for it, and if there isn't, you'll still know you're fucking dogs to get off.If there is a christian God, you'll burn in hell with everyone on this planet, including zoos. If there is a normal God - he wouldn't be jealous ignorant dumbfuck and would not care about someone ENJOYING THINGS.
>Take your existentialist bullshit and shove it, go murder people and take some meth, too. IT'S ALL RELATIVE, BROWhy would I do something bad? Other people don't want to be killed (if they do - I don't want to kill anyone and I won't do - just like you and zoosexual acts) and taking meth will be bad for my body and basic cognitive functions. My moral is ideal - don't do harm to someone or yourself. Your moral is abused with unproved statements and prejudices that can lead to you harming some fellow zoos out there. That's why I'm trying to change everyone's worldview.
>>986612Pedophilia is bad for another reason. But you are right - children can enjoy sexual activities and can even want sex. But children can't stay children forever, puberty kicks in with its problems, "ohgodwhathaveidone" knocks at the door and brings its friends - depression, madness and suicide, effectively blowing child mental development off rails. This happens in the ideal case - with both parties willing. Add littlest signs of rape to that and horrible things will happen...
Dogs don't have all those problems, don't worry.