Update 2024-03-27: Greatly expanded the "Samples" page and renamed it to "Glossary".
Update 2024-04-04: Added 5 million mid-2011 posts from the k47 post dump. Browse (mostly) them here.
Update 2024-04-07: Added ~400 October 2003 posts from 4chan.net. Browse them here.
Welcome to Oldfriend Archive, the official 4chan archive of the NSA. Hosting ~170M text-only 2003-2014 4chan posts (mostly 2006-2008).
/an/ drawfaggan thread: yes, no? Other drawfags' works would be appreciated because I'm slow.
What other drawfags draw is their business (although I'm hoping that nobody breaks the rules of this board), but there are things that I will not draw and those are:
- anything NSFW - obvious fetish fuel - anything that would take a very long time to finish
If your request tickles my fancy, I will do it in colour, like this <---
If this thread meets with enough resistance or if threadshitting occurs, I will delete it.
Hey guys, im buying a new 55 gallon fish tank tomorrow. Now, im looking for fish to buy online right now and could use some help. Here is what I want and hopefully you all can help; to start I want a nice big alge eater. Not to big as to be uncomfortable for the fish at 55 gallons but big enough to be the center of attention. I also dont want to worry about any of my fish attacking each other. And, I also want to avoid schools of certain fish, I would like a wide variety, like a puffer and some other exotic looking fish. So, you guys got any advice?
Hey /an/, I've got a question. My cat Suki usually enjoys being pet, but when she -really- likes it, she starts drooling heavily. Seriously heavily. Is this normal for some cats? Is there any way to prevent it from happening (other than just not petting her)?
Well /an/, I want to tell you a little story. It's not about how my life got flipped upside down or how I opened the door and then dinosaurs etc. It's about how I've started to put a few things in order. Like a few of you, I wanted to find something to care about, something to love and be loved by. No, it's not Jesus or anything like that. I, like you, suffered a lot over my 25 years on this earth. Like you, I gave freely and had nothing in return. Like you, I just wanted something that was mine, something I could care about and that would just give me something back. It didn’t even have to be a big thing, just some acknowledgement. I'm at college at the minute, I decided to go a bit later on in my life so I could experience the world a bit more and I found nothing but hate and discontent. When what I really wanted was to find something more, something simple.
And now, I've found it. Pic related. It’s a geranium and some malva seeds I planted recently. They're growing. You'll probably call me crazy, but I'm actually happy that they're growing, I'm happy that they're alive. They grow to show their appreciation. So now whenever I feel down or alone, I remember that I helped to start something that in a few weeks will look amazing. If you haven't grown something and you do feel like you're alone, try it. I promise you'll feel better. Read up on it and you'll get good results. Oh yeah, this isn't about Plants>People, I have a good set of friends and a great family.
tl;dr - OP is, as always, a faggot. Are you growing anything? - Weed growers need not apply
yo /an/ Does anyone here know where i can get one of these, its a a Sydney funnel web spider. ive read how aggressive and venomous they are and am intrigued, but i cannot seem to find anywhere to purchase one online.
Earlier today I was distracted when a mantis entered through my window, landed on the wall next to me and started walking in my direction. I freaked out so much that I reached for a newspaper that was close and hit it full force downwards.
What worries me is that the hellish fiend is gone, now I'm afraid to go to bed.
How does /an/ feel about bark collars? My dog barks at EVERYTHING, family members included, and I'm going to be moving to an apartment in the fall, so I can't have it constantly making noise.
She would probably only wear it for a few hours while I'm in class, as she's usually sitting with me while I'm at home and I can easily calm her down.
I've never used one of these collars before. Are they cruel? Are they effective? And will they have any lasting effect on the dog's behavior if I happen to use one?
Yesterday my cat somehow got outside, then he came back this morning with a pretty big wound under his eye (shown in pic). How do I go about treating this? I already applied a wet cloth to it to prevent infection. Is there anything else I can do to treat it or will it heal by itself over time? Any help would be appreciated, thanks!