>>1533945I don't know any for Batman or general heroes, but those are English language fanbases for the most part, I can't help you with those.
I have never heard of Foster's Home. Maybe some one else will help you with that?
Spectral Force:
http://chieko.ane3.com/os/Yagyuu (TeniPuri) Search:
http://www.geocities.jp/sino3ka/default.htmTosuisha (冬水社) (Publisher, handles a lot of lighter BL. Known for titles like Silver Diamond, Koori no mamono no monogatari (Ice Cold Demon's Tale, etc):
http://sana.tank.jp/t_search/Harvest Moon:
http://harvest.skr.jp/b/Another Mr. Fullswing:
http://www11.plala.or.jp/penginzakkaten/misutan/Mizuki Shigeru (GeGeGe no Kitaro, Yamato, and Hitler are some of his works):
http://gegedama.3w.to/Takasugi Only Search (Gintama):
http://www3.to/yanariGin, Sakamoto, Katsura, Takasugi Specialized Search (Gintama):
http://cisco.flop.jp/Blood +:
http://bloodsearch.hp.infoseek.co.jp/Battery Navi (It's a Japanese novel and movie about baseball):
http://btn.xii.jp/navi/Atsuko Asano (Japanese novelist, best known for Battery):
http://love.meganebu.com/~a-a/Yami no Matsuei:
http://yamifan.net/Phantom Kingdom (Makai Kingdom) and Disgaea 2:
http://suran.fffjp.com/Tokimeki Tonight:
http://hokuousinwa.sakura.ne.jp/Ito Mikio (Best known for Nazo no Murasame-kun, Normandy Secret Club, and Granada):
http://a.dojin.com/ito/Knights of Ramune: