FPS while we wait for OP?
>Be out clubbing
>Strike out with bitches because I can't keep it togethor
>Coming home and manlet friend has picked up a fatass bitch
>Poorfag friend comes and picks us up for 10 bucks in his 4 cylinder
>Crammed in the back seat with 2 bros and this fat bitch
>Her mass is pressing me up against the window
>My left side is going dead, the window is fogging from my panicked breath
>She is grinding on my friend and in the process engulfing my arm
>Adrenaline pumping, try to rotate my elbow to get it into a better position
>My other hand is now stuck and her moist grinding is producing a stench
>I know what I must do...
>Shout at poorfag to open sunroof
>Insert head into her butt folds until I'm shoulders deep.
>Spread my legs into sumo and squat those 200 pounds up
>Shit is streaming into my mouth preventing my valsalva manoeuvre
>Hear the ghost of Rippletits whisper "ass to grass"
>HIP DRAHVE my body up through the sunroof.
>Try to say LIGHT WEIGHT as I OHP her butt cheeks out the sunroof
>The car roof is visibly damaged from having her girth pushed through