Update 2024-03-27: Greatly expanded the "Samples" page and renamed it to "Glossary".
Update 2024-04-04: Added 5 million mid-2011 posts from the k47 post dump. Browse (mostly) them here.
Update 2024-04-07: Added ~400 October 2003 posts from 4chan.net. Browse them here.
Welcome to Oldfriend Archive, the official 4chan archive of the NSA. Hosting ~170M text-only 2003-2014 4chan posts (mostly 2006-2008).
Those little effortless tips that you can do everyday to improve your life, soul, body, health, mind anything.
Purpose of this thread is that i want to live it to the max. As much as i discover everyday, i realise how much i still don't know. So let's share those little tips.
>Brush your gums and tongue, not just teeth >cold showers increase energy levels, maybe even boost test >if you are going to school, always pack your backpack in the evening, no matter how much you dont want to do it
Here's some books I found that made me attract women through sheer confidence and masculinity. They're all audio-books so bear with me.
Marcus Aurelius' Meditations >Awesome book I just got done reading that pretty much sums up how you should behave in life and why >Uses rational logic to assert how you should behave
>At bar with family and friends, two cousins both male, best friend and five chicks >Yup, you guessed it: One is incredibly fat and incredibly annoying, Lardokov Gustav IV >One girl and I are hitting it off but every time it gets good like clockwork the fat bitch pulls her away >Tries to hit on my best friend, tries to deep throat a Corona bottle to impress him but ends up almost vomiting >We're all feeling good and I recommend we go to my place >Stop by McDonalds because Gustav needed to repel the Reich with nuggets and a double burger >Three bedrooms, large living room, we all have enough space >We're watching Boardwalk Empire and talking >Lights go off halfway through so I decide to slip into my room with chick >We make out, we fondle, we're fucking naked in no time >I'm literally prodding her when BAM, SWAT >Nope, Blubber Russia just kicked in my door >Grabs this girls hand while I've got her on her back, missionary >I kid you not says, "Girl, you don't want to do this. This is a mistake, you'll regret it. Come on lets go home." >Think I'm going to have to go off on Commander Gustav when suddenly: >Girl says "Gustav, for fucks sake I'm naked and horny. Shed some weight and you'll get laid too" >The Soviets have lost this battle, a retreat has commenced >Runs off crying >Fuck the shit out of her
>walk into the muscle factory today to do some liftan >all of the women are on the ellipticals, like usual >old guys using the machines, like usual >middle-aged guys are only doing bench press and curls, like usual >walk back to the free weights section >kids, kids everywhere >they're doing seated rows >>incorrectly >they're doing db curls >>incorrectly >they're trying to bench press >>they do about 2 half reps with 95 lbs. >meanwhile, these other 16-year-old little shits are literally trying to play basketball with a medicine ball >>constanza.jaypeg >can't focus on my squats because of all the noise >PULLUP CONTEST!!! >LET'S SEE HOW QUICKLY WE CAN DO REPS!
Summer is here, guys. I've been in denial, but I can't deny it anymore.
>work as lifeguard at YMCA local pool >we're hiring for more >the lifeguards get to watch the people "auditioning" to be lifeguards >most of these swimmers are pretty normal, nothing outstanding, many are hire material >fat fuck comes in to audition >he's wearing some crusty fucking giant bathing suit >says he has a lot of experience in swimming >we tell him to give it a go >he jumps in and starts swimming 700 yards >his face instantly turns red >he starts huffing and puffing >all of us still watching him >we're turning to eachother and giving the "is this guy serious" look >he finishes the 700 yard swim >that was just the warmup >we tell him that's okay, he can go and we'll call him >we never call him back