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Threads by latest replies - Page 14
Anonymous !Rk2HermyGU
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Hey /fit/, I'm a recreational olympic lifter and coach. My coach is a former Chinese olympic gold medalist. He is leaving town to work at another university at the end of this year and has left me with some great information on programming/training. If I get 5 posts showing interest, I'll dump screenshots of all of the docs/spreadsheets.>brb taking screenshots
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>>12549673 muscle snatch. Sets of 2-3. Work up on them 2 or 3 times a week.
>>12549662 I don't have the time to max out 2x per day, or the money for the food that would require.
I lift 5-6x per week. Squat usually every session, usually front squat as well for very low volume. Either full Oly lifts or variations every time. Thats all I have time for.
I can't imagine competing every month. That must suck. Its bad enough doing 2 in one season. I guess they dont really peak for anything. Just take it for what they can and keep getting better.
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>>12549697 They are just kids so they make fast progress and sometimes have growth spurts that help a shitload. One 14 year old snatched 80kg at 54kg bodyweight a couple months ago. He's a nationally ranked baseball prospect though, so he will probably not stay in lifting
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>thread archived it will live on forever
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Much thanks OP Boyakasha
Anonymous !!pPkUDnP9fqB
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POSITIVE FAT PEOPLE STORIES.>Be at gym >See this fatty in his mid twenties, about 300lbs >Running on the treadmill all day everyday >He looks so, so sad like he's deeply disgusted with himself >See him there every day i'm there for the next two weeks >Whenever I see him there I give him a nod and he nods back, it becomes a sort of routine we have after a few weeks. >Fatty starts becoming noticeably less fat >One day some 5/10 bitch who does cardio for like 40 minutes twice a week goes up to him while he;s walking on the treadmill >"You should just give up fatty" >Fatbros face turns into one of sheer sadness, without a word he gets off the treadmill and walks out of the gym. >Decide to follow him >He's walking towards the McDonalds across from the gym ( I know what the fuck right?) >Catch up to him >"Bro..don't do it, that bitch doesn't know shit. Have you ever done weight training?" >He shakes his head "Cmon I'll show you some stuff">6 months later were pretty good friends and he's down to almost 220lbs >cardio bitch gained weight
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>25 yo M, third year med student >Obese dad who thinks who has a pituitary problem who's in denial of poor eating habits >Wife starting to get a bit chubby >Most the people from high school start putting on weight, some I can't even recognize anymore >Everyday go into the hospital seeing obese people dying of heart failure and complications of diabetes >Start to lift and eat clean myself >Start to cry for the rest of the world...
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>>12547161 Nah average resting is between 60-80
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>hop on train >queen of the bogans also gets on >"suck me off" tattooed on her chest >straya
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Yeah OP that's a believable story.............. NOPE
Anonymous !Dirty100Z.
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Ugly people general
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>>12535319 yeah this is right too, ditch the necklace and pink bracelet and change out the gauges and you'll look much more handsome
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You look like that guy from Linkin Park.
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>>12535222 I'd hit on you. You look like a fuzz butt too
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>>12535426 it is sad indeed
She needs GOMAD
Anonymous !!Uv74pRnFgvN
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15 pages and no FPS thread? this shall be remedied immediately. >1st dayof uni, just moved back to the US from malaysia >beta to the max, kind of fit, 5'10, 65kg >sitting alone during lunchbreak, when i notice a slight vibration >earthquake? nope, landplanet from my class which appears to be lugging around 3 pounds of food, looking for an area that will serve as a docking station >look around. thinking 'oh shit, only empty seats are next to me...' >the planet sits her might ass down with the sound of a slamming car door >ohshitnigga.jpg >being a beta bitch, i submit meekly to the landplanets demands for conversation >before i leave, asks for number, and me, being the idiot i am, give it to her >as you can imagine, BIG MISTAKE >begins blowing up my phone with random shit, blow her off with vague answers >by this time, got some other friends, landplanet keeps trying hang with us, show affection for me, the usual bullshit >every single time i go to a party, hambeastlandplanetoid is there trying to hit on me, gets fucking annoying, but like i said, betas gonna beta.
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>>12525803 I'm not going to defend baseball as a sport, but fat people shouldn't try anything that involves lateral movements. One miss-step and a blown out ACL or Achilles makes them worse off than they already were. Fielding in baseball + massive obesity is a recipe for fucked up injuries.
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>Hamplanet gets dumped >Whines to everyone about it >Everyone loves her for it >Talks shit about skinny girls >Everyone loves her for it >Gets skinny >Everyone love her for it >wtf >pic related
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>>12510058 >playing B-ball and Football for 13 hours I'm pretty sure that kid didn't need the Orange's help, hell he was probably resting after running his morning marathon when that Orange strolled up to him.
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Ah yes, this just happened the other day>Work at a pizza place while schooling >A gargantuan mass that is a regular calls >Lives 5 miles away, still wants delivery >She orders a large specialty pizza >Not surprised but oh well >We were slow so as soon as it came out of the oven it was delivered >She calls not two minutes later >"THIS FUCKING PIZZA IS COLD AS SHIT" >"Uh, it was fresh out of the oven ma'am" >"IF THINK I'M GOING TO EAT THIS SHIT YOU"RE INSANE" >We end up bringing a new pizza to her and telling her to give us the old one back >Delivery driver comes back with the old pizza >It a thin pizza which is cut into a total of 16 squares >there are only 3 squares left, a plat with a half eaten square and a napkin in the box >She complained because she wanted another pizza >Fatties gonna fat so hard On another note, working at a pizza place gives fascinating insight to the minds of fat people:>Every new years >Increase in people ordering thins because they are "healthier" >Dat "lose ten pounds resolution" >Influx of thin pizzas stop after week and a half >Has happened the last two years so far
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>>12515187 >multibillion fat loss industry I just chuckled up to this, but this actually made me make an IRL WTF visage.
But hey, I come to expect such bullshit from the magazine that brought us "My Little Pony is racist-chauvinist propaganda".
Anonymous !!reb+xnyHAgQ
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Mom Science>Anon, all this protein will make you aggressive. >Milk isn´t good for the human body, because it´s not made for us.
Badboll !!reb+xnyHAgQ
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>>12510249 >mfw this thread proves /fit/ is nothing but 18 year olds and younger How so?
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>>12504463 now you go read a study on caramel coloring.
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My mom is totally sane when it comes to health and nutrition. I don't envy those with crazy moms.
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>be really young >playing with my dad's weight set in the basement >dad tells me to not to just do curls, because then i'll look ridiculous >tfw my dad was teaching not to be a curlbro from the beginning >feels good man
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>>12503160 resistance bands can be legit, the harder you pull, the harder they resist.
the heaviest endurance bands are great for not losing your gains on vacation.
Anonymous !9a2eCSxVCY
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Muscle confusion thread? We had a great one 2 days ago
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>>12505993 If they were standing up then this would sort of me a make-shift viking press... but they're not standing - they're being retarded instead.
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I may be a pudgy neckbeard, but even I know better than this fucking nonsense.
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>Go to the gym >Set the bar up for squats >Do OHP >Set the bar up for deadlifts >Do cleans >Grab dumbells for curls >Do deadlifts >Go to tricep pulldown machine >On my knees >Do lat pulldowns >Pullup bar >3x15 monkey swings >I'm in the wrong gym >Muscles face when
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>>12505671 dammit gingermod, that fucking curl machine is blocking a glorious view of your ass
how am I supposed to fap to that? pls post moar ass pics, no homo
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>>12505268 it's a 2-man pyramid snatch.
Anonymous !!reb+xnyHAgQ
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havent seen on in a while
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>>12488736 But it's human nature to categorize for simplicity's sake. Is it right or fair to the people being categorized? Not really, but it is what it is.
While I understand that there is the pressure from society or the media to act and be a certain way, it doesn't seem fair to assume that everyone that caves to the pressure is a victim. There must have been a time in their life where they had a choice to make, the easy choice of being what everyone wants them to be, or the hard choice of being themselves even if it wasn't the cool thing to do There are some situations where this is more difficult and not as "black or white"
It's also kind of ironic and funny that we're having this discussion in a "fat people stories" thread.
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>>12467878 i'm with you... i'm going to need 10 drinks after reading that.
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>annoying bitch landwhale goes to my school >thinks she's so hot >wears tight ass shirts all the time fucking muffin top to the extreme >always talks down to people acting like she's all superior >yesterday over hear her >"I just wish I could literally have people all around me feeding me and doing stuff for me so I could just sit in my computer chair all day" >too beta to say "hence why you have your own fucking gravitational field, hamplanet" >whatever >fatties gonna fat
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>Be 20 >Lost weight over the summer >At adults party, friends of family >Swedens only hamplanet sees me >did you lose weight anon? >yeah >well that is good!.... If it makes you feel good that is. She basicly said it was a good thing, thought about her planet-ness and added its how you feel that matters. Not that there is anything to feel when you die prematurely from fatasfatass.> > > >
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lold so hard cant believe this thread is still going
Anonymous !!reb+xnyHAgQ
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Time for some /fit/ humor. Give me your worst.
Your Friendly Neighborhood Lesbro !!ONf25TNEmMk
Your Friendly Neighborhood Lesbro !!ONf25TNEmMk Tue 08 May 2012 02:43:00 No. 12475589 Report Quoted By:
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New thread made. Let's see what's remaining to post.
>>12475839 Anonymous
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>>12474028 >mfw eve the "alpha as fuck" virgins on here don't realize that most women don't wear the right cupsize Anonymous
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>>12475469 >MFW This guy just described my parents dead-on. :'( So much for patient confidentiality
Anonymous !OoIRATEb6o
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>yfw there's a forum where people actually make it their goal to become obese >yfw the admin wants to become 700lbs
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>>12432167 please no
fuck my life
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>>12432167 Fuck this gay earth
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>>12432728 Can we get an Adam Jensen? Just give him a Goatee.
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>>12432687 *shit just got tasty*
>>mfw this thread. Anonymous
Anonymous !!RhcBgbLZQRZ
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>at work today >on lunch break >see landwhale eating her "lunch" in staff room >one tub of breyers ice cream and two big chocolate chip cookies >ask her how much of that she's eating >"I'm trying to finish it before my break ends." >mfw that must have been at least 1,000 calories for the whole tub, as it had 10-12 servings of 100 calories each thehorror.jpg
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>>12424096 Today's size 12 isn't the historic size 12 either. We've actually resized clothes several times. From slate magazine
>"The ASTM recommendations have evolved over time to accommodate a very real trend: vanity sizing. Women don’t want to know their real size, so manufacturers re-label bigger sizes with smaller numbers. In 1958, for example, a size 8 corresponded with a bust of 31 inches, a waist of 23.5 inches and a hip girth of 32.5 inches. In ASTM’s 2008 standards, a size 8 had increased by five to six inches in each of those three measurements, becoming the rough equivalent of a size 14 or 16 in 1958" Fatties gonna fat. Full article http://www.slate.com/articles/arts/design/2012/01/clothing_sizes_getting_bigger_why_our_sizing_syste m_makes_no_sense_.html
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>>12409071 you sir win the internets for tonight, hell the whole week.
>>12411360 hahahaha
>Be Dutch Anonymous
>>12428042 Link to vid. Want to thumbs down it and thumbs up Jupiter boy