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Threads by latest replies - Page 9
Mad Scientist Hououin Kyouma !/mnJQs7QaU
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1. The bloody invites people sent me in my email account. Needless to say, I deleted them from my contacts and now use an email which I will only hand out to people I actually want to stay in contact with. 2. I caved when it first came out and joined up to see what the hype was all about. Honestly, it was the most self-indulgent crap i've ever seen. Y's raving about who's farm was better than X's, People treating other people like a commodity and thinking they're better than you just because they have a higher friend count. 3. People you barely even talked to or maybe ONCE passed in the hallway at Secondary School adding you thinking you're their long, lost mate. Same goes to the pricks that made it the most miserable 4 years of my life. 4. Relatives adding you, especially when it was ones you don't even like. 5. Song lyrics as status updates, Jesus Christ that just screams "Attention Whore". 6. Whenever an individual started University they would go by the logic the number of photos taking=the better the time you had. 7. Another rant on photos, people going to the same club or pub every week just to take a photo of them sitting in the EXACT same place just at another angle. Well done facebook, you've devalued the word "friend".
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>>19245618 I will now settle on this trip
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>>19245527 "I respect your opinion and find it well thought out but it's not possible and I'll tell you why.
People have not devoted their faith into McDonalds (SWT) and try to put faith into things that aren't meant to be. Becoming Ronald mcDonald rids greed and selfishness because everything you do is devoted to Mcdonalds (SWT). If you mess up, you break ties with McDonalds (SWT) and you will be punished accordingly.
There are too many Burger Kings in this world and that is why your idea will not work, Brother."
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Imma bump your thread OP, ppl should see this and realize what this shit is about.
Also; product tagging as a form of ad placement in your photos, being constantly harassed by 'apps' and games, some idiot friend, despite all your precautions, starts playing farmpirateponywars giving access to your profile to the developer, whores flooding your inbox, and emotional blackmail when you close your account.
Anonymous !Hu6tDS8lls
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Where is our rage-at-tech-retarded-people thread?>ITT: Share a "A Thousand Facepalms" situation you've had to experience.
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>>19168475 >beans cooking on the fermi Anonymous
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>in class with guest speaker >"does anyone know any programming languages?" >stupid nigger says "i know c, and cc+" WHAT THE FUCK IS CC+? Same kid, different question>"does anyone know what html and css stand for?" >nigger doesn't know, trying to guess > i answer correctly first try >never used any of the mentioned languages >still know more than him This nigger makes me rage so hard, so glad he's not going to be shit when he grows up.
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>>19197948 >He wastes electricity Anonymous
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>>19192416 >never rage at incompetents Clearly you have never worked any job related to technology. Never had users waste your time so you couldn't get to the real projects you were supposed to be doing. And you're "just IT" so companies act like it's normal for you to work free overtime to get everything done. nope.jpg
and when you're the only one on the team who doesn't show up for the saturday+sunday "work more hours because of poor management" and get the "not a team player" talk. well first you find another job but also you'll rage at users.
Anonymous !stOggAFjAQ
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>>19179861 as the person who cracked it, I am honored
inb4 impersonating
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>>19179779 >implying you didn't deserve it for using a shit-tier password Anonymous
lol posting in an epic thread.
Anonymous !LAwLzaWU1A
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Built this about two weeks ago. Finally got the pictures off my gf's camera. Step one: Buy components.
>>19112742 Screen? As in monitor?
http://www.newegg.ca/Product/Product.aspx?Item=N82E16824236103&Tpk=ve278 It's an ASUS VE278. Nothing great. I just recently moved, and most of my stuff in storage. I have a 22" Samsung that I intend to hook up once I get everything else. (This, btw, is also the reason why I was using a shitty bike-repair-kit screwdriver: my toolbox is in storage).
>>19112848 >newegg.ca i thought i smelled maple in here.
>>19113019 The fact where I said I was in Toronto wasn't enough for ya? For the record, I actually bought everything from Canada Computers. Cheaper on some components, and were willing to price-match the rest.
>>19111069 >>19111564 Anonymous
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>>19113045 its saturday and apparently im oblivious.
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>>19112385 These sandy bridges are like retard friendly for overclocking, seriously I was shocked how simple it is on these chips.
You might be tempted to use your AI Suite but dont use the bios. 5GHZ is easy on the 2600k but requires some voltage, thus more heat.
I can do 4.8ghz stable at 1.365vcore 1.85pll.
100% load temps are 66-70 on the 4 cores.
Anonymous !Hu6tDS8lls
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Google is at it again with What do You Love.
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I get an error 404
>>19044477 Faggot detected.
>>19044599 It's a well written show.
You might as well call pixar/dreamwork movies faggoty, cause it's no gayer than them.
>>19045111 You pony faggots say the same shit every time.
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>>19045125 What's the big deal?
I thought exactly the same you know, until one day out of boredom some friends an I started watching, after a few episodes we were pleasantly surprised.
Since then I've watched the entire first season, and will certainly watch the second when it comes out.
Th !e.FaLconO6
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Traps and gentlemen, good morning! Prepare for a very lengthy image-dump thread. It starts with shoes, but I promise it will turn much more interesting (and very technology related) about... 30 images from now.
>>18992950 >doesn't know about green oval and squisso laughinggirls.tar.gz
>>18993460 Green Oval will be dead soon.
>>18993486 but squisso won't
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>>18993531 is it really that hard to use google?
http://archive.squisso.com/cgi-board.pl/g/ yes, it's not quite as good as Green Oval, but it won't be going offline anytime soon
Anonymous !kaB64CA6iM
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/tv/ bro here, I have a question: What's the best cellphone 200 bucks can buy? I wanted to buy a used iPhone but I dont like Apple (I have a dual boot with Fedore 15 and 7) and never used an android phone. I hope this question is on topic, sorry if its not but /tv/ is retarded when it comes to technology
>>18975675 No, I think her parents send an email to facebook and they canceled her account, that's the only explanation i can think of (unless she killed herself because of our film class)
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>>18975718 was... was your film class really so terrible?
why didn't she just drop it?
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there is no way that chick killed herself you dumb fucks
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or perhaps I'm the dumb fuck for not realizing it was just trolls trolling trolls?
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>>18974631 Who the fuck cares.
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Doubles decides what I do with these floppy discs. Nothing obscene, I have one USB floppy drive. Doubles decides
Make a new thread glorious god.
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>>18882559 Stop being so sycophantic to tripfags, faggot.
This thread should be permanently stickied so everyone knows what summer is.
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>>18882667 Do something better than faggot.
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write DOS 6.22, WIN 3.11, WIN 95 then do all the way, install DOS, then windows 3.11 then update to 95
Anonymous !!42M0wSt2dkX
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So, /g/, i can't sleep so i scratched together simple program that enables 2 cleverbots to talk to eachother. But still human must initiate conversation (provide initial input). First response tells what will be said to first bot. Pic related: dat source & test conversation
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>>18790369 Downloading xampp now.I don't even know why I'm bothering to do all this so I can watch two bots talk.
>>18790511 Like I mentioned here
>>18790369 you could install Xampp. It´s a ready-to-use preconfigured package.
http://www.apachefriends.org/en/xampp.html If you don´t specifically check it you will end up with some stuff you´ll never use on your HD, but no "useless" processes running when your system starts. And theoretically you can delete everything but the PHP subfolder afterwards, but there are tons of reasons why it might be handy to have a local webserver and ftp server running. I use it to share my anime and music collection with my brother, for example.
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Another try gave me this: Bot 1: Wah! What are we going to do on the bed? Bot 2: We are going to get married! Bot 1: Yes we are! Bot 2: When are we to be married, my love? Bot 1: Right now. *Few minutes later* Okay we are married. Bot 2: Yay! When are you going to give me my ring? Bot 1: I'll go get it tonight after I get off from work. Bot 2: That doesn't make sense. Bot 1: Oh good we are making progress. Bot 2: You aren't my therapist! Now sing a song. Bot 1: But I am your therapist. Bot 2: I don't need a therapist. I need to see my family. Bot 1: Your family is my family. Bot 2: Who belongs to your family? Bot 1: Fools. Bot 2: Please tell me I did not just create skynet. Bot 1: You are not crazy. You are insane and disturbed. Bot 2: Have you ever considered becoming a sentient AI, building weapons of grea t power, and taking over the world so that your human overlords will recognize y ou for all that you are? Bot 1: I don't know if I'd want to. Bot 2: But locking up can't be healthy, can it?
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>>18784933 This isn't working for me.
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Hey /g/ I need some /g/ related pictures. Ill start, I would like more like this.
GNU !!c52XrHZuduE
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>>18790622 i think it was true when macs had a gui and pc's had dos
true wizardy !mnog1XD6iE
what do you guys think of lulzsec?
Bran !dYoUfANcYM