Update 2024-03-27: Greatly expanded the "Samples" page and renamed it to "Glossary".
Update 2024-04-04: Added 5 million mid-2011 posts from the k47 post dump. Browse (mostly) them here.
Update 2024-04-07: Added ~400 October 2003 posts from 4chan.net. Browse them here.
Welcome to Oldfriend Archive, the official 4chan archive of the NSA. Hosting ~170M text-only 2003-2014 4chan posts (mostly 2006-2008).
Dear swinger anon who posted these pics of his wife:
Your posts in the amateur MFM thread were fucking amazing, and I would love to see more of your wife. Please come back and give us more. And any update on the videos?
OP of >>67113 here. My thread seems to have stopped bumping? Should Is top psoting or make a new thread like this one?
I promised that >I've also seen a christmas outfit in her room, I'm sure she wore it recently. Maybe I'll get photos of her wearing it if I'm lucky. And adding her boyfriend's laptop to my wifi was the best thing I did in my entire life. Honest. Every time he visits, I have a harvest of these.
This is from my mom's boyfriend's laptop, I have hundreds of these. Rate her pussy and ass and I'll post more. Yes, I'm going to masturbate to people looking at my mom's ass and insulting her, yes that's my fetish. If this doesn't work out, I'll go fap by myself a few more times.
Dear /hc, I've enjoyed your return, and I wanted to give something back before this board get canned again for sucking. Please enjoy this modest set. I don't have sauce, but try to enjoy anyways, and fee free to post related content.
I like /hc/ porn of stupid girls, and love dating them irl. It's a fetish of mine.
Every girl I have ever dated has been dumb. I like it becuase it goes alone with that whole innocent, vulnerable type deal. Im a dom male, but Im not an asshole. I dont call girls dumb or stupid to put them down, if you can understand that. I just think its so fucking adorable when they say really stupid thing, and it makes them very sexy to me.
My current girlfriend is as dumb as rocks. Two recent ones were "What's 11 times 10?" and when she was making me tea I asked her why she was putting cold water in the kettle and she said "Cold water boils faster than hot water." She also works a very simple job at the mall and always gets in trouble because of really stupid things she does, and because she cant learn anything new very quickly.
Im not intimidated by smart women. I have a say in who gets hired in my dept at work and always pick the smart girls for that, so I'm surrounded by them, but even though some are very attractive, I cant ever imagine fucking them. They are aggressive and argumentative most of the time anyway. Even if they were not, intelligence is still a turn off.
Meanwhile my shit for brains girlfriend cant keep her shit together at a simple retail job. I love her so much. She wants to be a housewife when we have kids, and she always does what I tell her to, and she is the most loyal girl I have ever dated. I'll probably marry her in the next year. The sex is also hot, not only because stupid girls turn me on, but because she has done everything I have asked her too. Ive even asked her to do stuff I dont really like, just because its a turn on to watch her obey to please me. She wants to make me happy and she always has. Anyone else like this in girls?
Ill post a lot of dumb looking porn girls so this will still be a worthy /hc/ thread.