Yea. Biggest problem you got right now is all of your characters looking alike. Slow down a bit, step back, take a breather, maybe look at some porn, and then take a second look at your work as neutral as you can.
After a little bit of introspection look at some of the styles done by some of the top cartoons of the last 10 years. Notice any sort of similarities between all of them despite having vastly different styles? All of them don't follow one formula between all the characters.
By that I mean, think of each character as a sort of caricature in that each character's shape has some bits that are twisted, elongated, inflated, deflated, or overall differently shaped. Try mixing up the way your characters are designed. Take the look of the character in this post
>>947797as a sort of base, but the character in
>>947832is obviously more round, using rounder, sausage like appendages to being over weight.