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Threads by latest replies - Page 14
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Can anyone on /ic/ recommend some books on clothing design? This is the only one I own.
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Sight-size Approach discussion open, what do we need to understand it? what do we need to handle it?
Does anyone know any Photoshop tutorials for this kind of dotted shading?
I'm such a noob that I cannot remember the name for that shading technique.
Is there any way to change flat colors into this kind of shading?
I'm such a noob that I cannot remember the name for that shading technique.
Is there any way to change flat colors into this kind of shading?
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Does anyone knows where to get good reference images for anything other than people? I'm not really talking animals either. More like environments and objects. I'm mainly interested in indoor scenes and furniture and all that stuff right now.
Google isn't being very helpful and all I'm getting is random stock images sites that where you have to pay to get stuff.
I don't have a camera to go around taking pictures, and I really doubt people would let me get into their houses to take pictures of their stuff anyway.
Google isn't being very helpful and all I'm getting is random stock images sites that where you have to pay to get stuff.
I don't have a camera to go around taking pictures, and I really doubt people would let me get into their houses to take pictures of their stuff anyway.
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Does anyone have any experience with painting with tea?
I've got a bag full of disgusting teabags from my grandma and instead of throwing them out, I thought about using them for painting.
Do you use it just like watercolor? Adding more teawater to get darker parts etc.?
Pic related, awesome tea painting, but it seems like there's a pencil sketch as base?
I've got a bag full of disgusting teabags from my grandma and instead of throwing them out, I thought about using them for painting.
Do you use it just like watercolor? Adding more teawater to get darker parts etc.?
Pic related, awesome tea painting, but it seems like there's a pencil sketch as base?
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Can anyone give me a brief understanding of the law on drawing using references? Do I have to take the picture or own the rights to do this or will I get in copyright trouble?
I just need some criticism on some artwork, oh and this is my first post whooo
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lets get some sumi-e up in here
pic related- its mine
pic related- its mine
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What should i fix (other than composition)? In the process of fixing the little dots right now.