>>40We're all great at presenting the problem that has fallen before us, but what must happen in this thread is a solution.
let me explain my take on the problem:
you see, the problem here is that /b/, as it used to be, was a core of great users who were active, while there was always a layer of crap and leeches above them, who, more of less, masked them, but they were still able to work together and communicate.
Recently, the layer of crap and leeches has grown to a size in which the layer of active users has become broken up, and cooperation between these users is near impossible. Though, I assume that (while some of the core was driven away) it has expanded somewhat in the last three or four years since 4chan began to boom. What you need, if you wish to restore anon's name to its former glory, is a way to filter out the true trolls and leave the leeches behind. If the core can, once again, be united under one roof, the rest of anonymous will revel under the shared blame. Though the core may, one day, become greedy and forgetful and split of from anonymous as a group of their own, it will act to reinforce the rule of anonymous. Burn the leeches away from the golden troll-faced fish, I say!
there's your problem. so what's the answer?