Bleargh, I would've posted sooner but I got a bit...carried away with something.
>>7292750Well, truth is...I tend to have a lot of free/spare time I don't know what to do with.
Here's Chapter 12 since it wasn't linked here. terms of raws, its bleeding. I've done BASIC editing (seperating/ordering the pages, and a bit of contrast stuff).
Page centers are still there. Most importantly, any page where a panel goes into the spine, will be blurry on the edge (most on page 17/18 since its cross-page landscape), since I didn't really feel like murdering my book juuust yet...unless someone can give me pointers on not how to rape it to get those hard to reach pages.
I'll do the same for chapter 13 if anyone would want for the whole thing? Is it necessary?