Update 2024-03-27: Greatly expanded the "Samples" page and renamed it to "Glossary".
Update 2024-04-04: Added 5 million mid-2011 posts from the k47 post dump. Browse (mostly) them here.
Update 2024-04-07: Added ~400 October 2003 posts from 4chan.net. Browse them here.
Welcome to Oldfriend Archive, the official 4chan archive of the NSA. Hosting ~170M text-only 2003-2014 4chan posts (mostly 2006-2008).
A quote I overheard from an infantry E5: >I never let my gunners wear earplugs or headsets. Being alert is part of the job, and they have to be able to hear threats. >mfw
I received this menacing letter this morning. Someone put it in the windshield of my car but I don't understand spanish that much. I know is some kind of menace because it has a gun on it.
Do you have any recommendations of what should I do?
I'm going to the police station right now and when I come back I will answer whatever question you have.
BTW I have a mossberg 500, AR15 a CZ 75 sp01 and a Savage mark II
Apparently he's some batshit crazy american guy who traveled to Libya and fought alongside the rebels. He recorded everything on his youtube account, including him sniping ghadaffi soldiers. He seems like someone /k/ would be interested in.
Here's a video of him supposedly engaging enemy snipers:
Why are soccer moms so scared of everything? My moms friend think that guns of all types (including air rifles, BB guns and airshit) should be banned, knives should stay in the kitchen, cars shouldn't be able to go faster than 60, children should wear assloads of protection in sports, alchohol should be banned, cigarettes and cigars should be banned, thinks that children need more "bonding" shit in gym and less "sports" (my high school did that shit and it pissed all of us off) she also thinks that bows should be banned along with hatchets (since the injuns used them as weapons once!), and she thinks self defense isn't an excuse to kill someone.
I've tried to debate with this woman before and all I get is "YOU'RE A CHILD (23) YOU DON'T KNOW ANYTHING!"
She also won't let her children outside without them under her constant supervision (even her oldest, who is 15) and we life in a safe as fuck small town with almost 0 crime.
Pic somewhat related, it came up when I googled "soccer mom"
Hey there, /k/omrades. I've got some OC for you. I scanned it a few minutes ago. It's a German pictorial manual on how to use a Panzerfaust. I'll provide some translation if requested. Here's the background story and some other info about my day today that some of y'all might find interesting, Here goes: >At a gun show today here in Wisconsin >All kinds of cool milsurp, but horribly overpriced (as always) >Walking around with my M-39, trying to sell or trade up/down for something cool like an Eddystone, Swede Mauser, K-31, or Russian SKS. >Most of the fudds don't even know what it is >Getting lowballed >Guy asks me about my Finn >He's running the inevitable German/Nazi table, has all kinds of cool/rare shit >Find out he lives in the same town I do >We talk for like 30-45 minutes about all kinds of military/firearm related topics >He's pretty cool >He gives me the aforementioned OC that he was selling on his table for $5. >He has some nice Mausers on his table. >Strictly out of curiosity, I ask if he has or has come across any G-43s or K-43s >He smiles and pulls out a near-mint, Walther-produced G-43 from under the table and hands it to me. >pic related (but not the exact rifle in question) >I lovingly fingerfuck it >Am jelly as shit >We end our conversation, he gives me his card and says to call him if I want to go the range and shoot the G-43 or some of his other rare German rifles >He lets on that he has an Stg-44 as well >Oh my god
So basically, I met a bro-tier local who let me play with a beautiful G-43, gave me a copy of a cool manual, and wants to take me out and shoot his rare German weapons. Wait 'til you hear about his story of how he got the G-43! Stories to be continued in subsequent posts. Join in if you want.
I just bought a gun cabinet with two tubular pin tumbler locks off an artist for $20 because it was locked and she'd lost the keys. It's heavy as fuck and I'm damn near sure there's guns in there.
Question is, once I get the delicious guns inside, how do I register 'em to ensure I don't get the ATF after me?