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Threads by latest replies - Page 15


!y4yHFhYEKg No.10954581 View ViewReplyLast 50OriginalReport
What types of enlisted soldiers get shit for the jobs they picked, and why? Are there any that are specific to your country?

US here, I know of two off the top of my head:

Cooks, likely because of the low intelligence requirement and how boring/unrelated to combat it is.

USAF Security Forces (inb4 shitstorm), low intelligence requirement, trained to fight like soldiers during the Vietnam war, supposedly akin to infantry, though they are normally just standing at a gate or aircraft, or patrolling a base.

Offer up your suggestions, and what you know of or think of the careers other people listed. What is good, what is bad?
228 posts and 31 images omitted

!Ip3bP.AEJs No.10952688 View ViewReplyLast 50OriginalReport
The rest of the world has fallen behind Italy in supercat technology.

Until we can make our own supercats to counter Italy's growing supercat fleet, we must come up with effective conventional counters.

What do you suggest we do, /k/?
61 posts and 17 images omitted

!s/81WURElI No.10908544 View ViewReplyLast 50OriginalReport
We post vehicles in the military that look fucking terrifying.
91 posts and 36 images omitted

Why do you need a gun at home?

!cqx93BTK/o No.10882770 View ViewReplyLast 50OriginalReport
Share some storytime, fuckers.

>Be 7 years old.
>Be woken up by screaming outside.
>Hear father rise from his bed.
>Loud crash, glass breaking, sister screaming.
>Shouting in hallway. Followed by loud, meaty thumps.
>Lotta thumps, screaming starts becoming whining. Dad yelling. I later heard the same kind of yelling while watching Lock Stock and Two smoking barrels. That scene where Vinnie Jones is yelling at that dude while slamming his head in the car door.. that shit.
> Dad yells to stay in our rooms. MPs arrive. (Dad was Airforce) Escort my sis and I out our bedroom windows. Hallway in house looks like scene from Amityville Horror and shit.
>Dad investigated for beating another man to death with a hallway. Acquitted.

My father was an avid collector and enthusiast. He left his gun in his nightstand, as he didn't initially intend to kill the guy. I have a gun in my home, because I am not so generous as my father.

Pic related, it's the 629 Dad decided not to use that night.
255 posts and 57 images omitted

!/GFFbx/s9A No.10854481 View ViewReplyLast 50OriginalReport
Old thread reached image limit, so here's V2.

ITT: Improvised/partisan weapons.

Link to old thread:
164 posts and 123 images omitted

!ctwJT1n.IY No.10849694 View ViewReplyLast 50OriginalReport
We need a good improvised/partisan weapons thread.
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!!vpp3KdPzXDd No.10784462 View ViewReplyLast 50OriginalReport
What's your opinion on /k/-related weaboo stuff?
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!dCodef2d72 No.10751650 View ViewReplyLast 50OriginalReport

looks like the /k/ommando is full of shit

just deleted his thread after i posted this

enjoy guys
124 posts and 32 images omitted

!!esSirF6LRYN No.10742859 View ViewReplyLast 50OriginalReport

>Police take 12 hours or more to respond
>Cars are getting jacked constantly
>Murder rates have skyrocketed

Concealed carry general? Concealed carry general.
351 posts and 53 images omitted

!!EbqIl6PQQVn No.10704497 View ViewReplyLast 50OriginalReport
Range trolling thread?
Range trolling thread.

It was not me, but I have a story that happened Yesterday:

>At range, plinking with 10/22 and Rem 700 in .308
>Empty lanes to the left and right of me
>See a guy in a trench coat, aviators, and woodland camo pants with a small range bag at the sign in area
>Guy walks in, waits for cease fire
>Puts target 3 feet from the benches, right where the dirt starts
>Wat is going on in here.png
>Ceasefire ends
>I'm staring
>He pulls out a gold desert eagle, chambers a round
>Wut in the world
>Looking like a badass, shoots the target once in the head

I didn't even know what to say, but it was fucking awesome!
302 posts and 24 images omitted