Update 2024-03-27: Greatly expanded the "Samples" page and renamed it to "Glossary".
Update 2024-04-04: Added 5 million mid-2011 posts from the k47 post dump. Browse (mostly) them here.
Update 2024-04-07: Added ~400 October 2003 posts from 4chan.net. Browse them here.
Welcome to Oldfriend Archive, the official 4chan archive of the NSA. Hosting ~170M text-only 2003-2014 4chan posts (mostly 2006-2008).
>Ban law abiding serfs from purchasing crossbows >now only bandits and moors have crossbows >'Now the murder in theft rates will drop all through out Christendom" this is what Lutherans actually believe
Good morning /k/, this is Radio Rebenok, and it is 7:51 at the time of this writing. I've some grave news for all of you.
I have to go, guys. I'm being deployed to Ingushetia with the rest of my company. It's funny, when I first was thinking about having to write this, I expected to make this big, drawn out, really depressing letter. But right now, I realize that I'm sure people on /k/ get deployed all the time and come back fine. Hell, I'm probably going to be, too. But in the event I don't, I just want to make a few general thanks:
Willis Mc/k/illis, the first man I had positive interaction with, and one hell of a man at that. I love your drawings, man.
Walter /k/ronite (fuck did I do that right, I remember reading it differently the other day), him and his porn threads were a meeting place for us, and we talked as men do. He was a good friend.
Legatus Fancius, and although we didn't interact much, he was a good man.
Oh hey, That Other Czechfag, I still owe you that SVU, I didn't forget about that. Never saw you after my first thread, but if you're there, hi.
That's all, but if I forgot you, i'm sorry, in a small rush, haven't packed yet. Not going to have time to stick around and answer questions.
Oh and for those who were there, our platoon is as follows: Leviafan, Gidra, and (the buzzkill) Molniya.
I'll probably be forgotten, but I honestly don't care. Just so long as my double spaced formatting was never forgotten. Again, I'm jokeing. Heh, I thought I would have had more to write. But I said I wouldn't make an overly dramatic letter, so I won't provided I havent gotten there already.
I can't answer any questions most likely, because I have only a few hours and I have not started to pack my shit. I had fun here, and I'll be drinking and praying for my return. Love you guys, and enjoy yourselfes.
sup /k/. i'm tired of aliens beating humans, so i was wondering if someone still have all those pastas where the humans kick ass, in space, and scare the puny aliens with the size of their dicks. if not it's all right, just post guns real or not that you would use to fight alien hippies.
Nope thread? >Be home alone doing school work >Only noise is the radio I keep on the classical station for ambient sound >Hear laughing coming from the bed room down the hall >That's funny no one's ho-DEFCON 1 >No gun nearby grab EDC knife >look out the back window to the back yard >Nothing >look out the front window to the front yard >Nothing >Sinks in that the noise came from the bedroom >Run upstairs, grab my rifle and load up >Clear the house >Absolutely nothing >Be on edge for the rest of the night I don't think I've ever scaled those steps so fast in my life.
Alright, /k/, this is my 3rd thread tonight! The first two hit image cap, and because Kagnifin won my contest, I am now dumping Vietnam pics. Gather around, folks!