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Threads by latest replies - Page 5

No.13089510 View ViewReplyLast 50OriginalReport
Hello /k/, I'm a French tank commander, and I figured I could do an informative thread about the Leclerc. Feel free to ask any questions.

Let's start with the basics : last one of the major western MBTs, the Leclerc is about 10 years younger than the Abrams/Leo 2. It progressively replaced the AMX 30 B2 during the 90's. Right now we're supposed to have 240 of them, in 4 regiments (mine's the 4th Dragoons).
The crew of four is comprised of the driver, the turret operator (gunner), the tank commander and the fucking computer voice that tells us when stuff doesn't work (female voice in the latest version. Fuck her.). So yeah, there's an autoloader, with 22 rounds in the back of the turret, plus 18 in a sort of barrel (like a revolver. Kinda) next to the driver. The gunner is supposed to retrieve them manually, but i don't know anyone who's ever done it.
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No.13064123 View ViewReplyLast 50OriginalReport
can we get an info thread going?
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No.13033065 View ViewReplyLast 50OriginalReport
Was about to post in the NOPE thread, but then it disappeared.

Continuation of the /k/ nope stories thread

>grow up on a farm in southeastern PA
>half farm, half family-airstrip, basically decent sized farm surrounded on all sides by dense woods
>be 9 years old
>playing with my new marlin 60 for the past 2 weeks
>its late fall trees are mostly dead, leaves all down from the trees
>starts getting real dark out, was dicking around with marlin when I should have been doing chores
>nearly full moon, low in the sky over the horizon
>walking back from the hangar to the house when I hear a commotion coming from the chicken coop/pen
>damn fox is at it again
>decide to sneak up on the fucker with my marlin and pop him rather than scaring him off like I always ended up doing
>creeping around the pen to get a better view, eyes on the ground, I notice some movement out of my peripheral vision
>look upwards towards the treeline about 200 yards away
>see silhouette of something MASSIVE, walking upright parallel with the treeline, outlined by the moon

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NOPE moment thread

No.13017548 View ViewReplyLast 50OriginalReport
Time for another "/k/ goes NOPE" thread. (also known as /k/ out-/x/'es-/x/)

So c'mon /k/ommandos, give all your ultimate NOPE moments. They doesn't have to be /k/ related.
pic very much related. It's from a previous NOPE moment thread.
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No.12965297 View ViewReplyLast 50OriginalReport
Would you operate in a house?
Would you operate with a mouse?
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No.12949910 View ViewReplyLast 50OriginalReport
Is it night /k/ yet?
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No.12930108 View ViewReplyLast 50OriginalReport
Has /k/ had their 7 whole grain nuggets today?
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Integral suppressors

No.12931819 View ViewReplyLast 50OriginalReport
So /k/, how do integral suppressors work?

I'm embarrassed to admit that I know next to nothing about suppressors and literally nothing about weapons with integral suppressors.

Do they affect ballistics in a significant way? Also, why has this concept not caught on more with SOF's around the world? Seems like their type of shit.
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No.12918950 View ViewReplyLast 50OriginalReport
Here's a story 'bout a retard...

>have a family get together at uncles house
>one of my aunts brings her 13 year old retard son
>son isn't ACTUALLY retarded, at least according to every psych test ever thrown at the fucker
>still does a shitload of stupid, autistic and borderline clinically retarded shit
>also rabid CoDfag turned MoH fag ever since Warfighter was announced
>uncle has a large 650 pound gun safe
>naturally, Retardo, as I like to call him is constantly badgering my uncle to give him some of his guns
>actually give, not let him hold it for 2 minutes
>anyway, entire family is at uncles house, derping around the yard, barbecuing shit
>Retardo is nowhere to be seen, nobody gives a fuck
>suddenly, a very loud, bone resonating THUMP is heard
>entire yard, 30+ people goes dead quiet
>I look at my dad, dad look at uncle, uncle looks at me
>all three of us realize instantly that the only thing capable of making that particular sound would be oh...the sound of a massive gun safe tipping over
>we know this is a reasonable assumption from dealing with Retardo for years
>suddenly a bitch-like yelp is heard
>the three of us briskly walk into the house, up the stairs to the 2nd floor

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!Ob.PLjM1wQ No.12889799 View ViewReplyLast 50OriginalReport
/k/, I have a story to tell. It originally came from a cop I know from central Texas. It could also be posted on /x/, but I think you'll like it. I'm not going to bother greentexting; that's harder to read with most themes. There are some spelling errors, which I'm leaving as-is. Here it is:

Frankly, I do not expect this to be believed. But I'm going to tell it anyway, simply because its been weighing upon my mind lately. I ran into Flash last weekend, who was back in town, and he spoke to me about it.

Knowledge of the physical environment is essential to an LEO in Patrol. It is one reason why seniority counts for a great deal in this line of work-the longer you work a given juridiction, the better you know it. And locals who become police officers quickly learn that growing up in an area does not mean you truely know it.
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