Newest subs: 58
Newest manga chapter: 16, raw available from XrosRaws. There's an update regarding the OZC scanlations: They will most likely release a special stand-alone chapter first as a tester, although no date for this has been mentioned as of yet.
Oct. 30: ep. 59 (TH5): CAUTION cuteness! Cute Hunter, Airu's trap!
Nov. 6: ep. 60 (TH6): Digimon Kendo Match! Approaching the blade of Kotemon!
59 (TH5):
>Cutemon appears in front of Yuu, and plans to cheer him up. Airu sees Cutemon by chance, and she plans to hunt him.60 (TH6):
>Tagiru is participating in the Kendo Tournament, and faces Kenzaki Musashi from their neighbouring Junior High school for a Kendo match. However, right after their match, Musashi gets swallowed in by the DigiQuartz. There, Musashi meets Kotemon...