>>1413600I don't know if it's worth putting in the new thread because i'm not actually contributing to the discussion. I don't even lurk /mlp/. I run
4chanhouse.org which is notable for the image gallery
http://shimmie.4chanhouse.org/ Someone posted a link to these threads there, so I'm here now.
There was a time when I did board-tan character designs and whatever with a couple other people, but you know how these kinds of things work out. I only joined the project at the tail end, so most of what I've been doing is picking up the pieces of what's left.
Bit of a cautionary tale: most group projects tend to dissolve due to creative differences. People start taking this silly thing way too seriously. It's not that big a deal, holy shit. You know the saying "too many cooks spoil the broth?" It's very applicable here. Barring a miracle, you will never get a final character design down perfectly. How many people do you really need to design a character, write some stories, and draw some comics? Like three? Yeah, that's probably pushing it. A group discussion is good for throwing out ideas, but eventually someone needs to come in and pick all those ideas up. The reason designs "stick" is because it's easier to pick up drawings that get made. So, naturally, the one that gets drawn the most wins!