Update 2024-03-27: Greatly expanded the "Samples" page and renamed it to "Glossary".
Update 2024-04-04: Added 5 million mid-2011 posts from the k47 post dump. Browse (mostly) them here.
Update 2024-04-07: Added ~400 October 2003 posts from 4chan.net. Browse them here.
Welcome to Oldfriend Archive, the official 4chan archive of the NSA. Hosting ~170M text-only 2003-2014 4chan posts (mostly 2006-2008).
Welcome to this thread. You are now here. Here, we make stories. Liek dis:
>Twilight casted a spells. >But she did it wrong and it went broken. >It made girls equal boys. >"SPIKE I HAVE PENIS NOW!" >And then they all fucked.
Except maybe entertaining. There was some pretty great success with this in another thread, but it specifically called out the topic of the stories. This is more open. Come and make something magical happen. You probably won't regret it.
Stranger: hi im horny You: Um... okay... Stranger: talk dirty to me You: Oh, I'm not sure words can be like that. Stranger: ihh yes they can You: Oh, okay. You: Um... You: How do I do that? Stranger: just talk about how you would have sex You: Oh... You: Eh... You: I do-don't r-really... Stranger: come on You: *eep!* Stranger: pls You: I uh, got to g-go feed my bi-birds... Stranger: uhuh you never gonna get laid You: I'm s-sorry. I h-hope you can find somepony else to... do that... with. You: Uhm...
Gonna start a branch-off of flutterrape called fetish shy. Same idea as flutterrape, she tries and fails at being appealing, except now she's trying her hand at some fetishes. Here's a sorta introductory story.
> wake up in the morning > don't feel like P.Diddy > feel like another day, another attempt at rape > morning goes normally, no peeking in windows, no door knocks > suddenly, door knock > surprise surprise, it's fluttershy > wait, what's that she's go on? > "hey anon, I visited twilight yesterday and did a little research" > this should be good > "I think I figured out why you won't love me" Why's that? > "I haven't been appealing to your sexuality" You don't say > "I learned humans can have things called....fotishes, and that these things attract humans a lot" I think you mean fetishes > "yea those" So that's why you're in S&M gear? > "yes.... I want you to dominate me" yea.....no >slam door in her face > hear from behind door > "ok...so that's not your fetish. Don't worry, I'll figure it out" > this should prove to be interesting
She has a bit of a thing for you, but prefers helping you out of trouble and being a friend more than anything else.
>day 901 in Ponyville >Fluttershy is relentless with a near constant wing-boner; must be that time of the year >avoid trap after trap after trap >get stuck near the edge of the Everfree, Fluttershy pounces from the bushes like a starving jaguar, mangled and dirty >"YOU'RE....GOING....TO LOVE ME." >she pounces with the lust of a thousand suns >suddenly, Rainbow Dash out of nowhere >lifted off high into the sky, Fluttershy slamming into a solid oak and knocking herself out >"Thanks Rainbow Dash, you really know how to time a dramatic entrance!" >"No probs, Anon. Let's get your butt home!" >taken to the house, dropped off without much trouble >"Looks like all that weight training paid off, huh?" >smack her near her flank >she blushes for a split second, looking away >"Heh, yeah...y-you just get some rest. I'll go check on FS." >"Cool Rainbow. We'll go trail running tomorrow or something. You're a real bro." >"Hah, t-thanks Anon....you are, too." >She flies away lazily with a contented smile and a blush, the slught sting a reminder of Anon's hand on her cutie mark.
She has a bit of a thing for you, but prefers helping you out of trouble and being a friend more than anything else.
>day 901 in Ponyville >Fluttershy is relentless with a near constant wing-boner; must be that time of the year >avoid trap after trap after trap >get stuck near the edge of the Everfree, Fluttershy pounces from the bushes like a starving jaguar, mangled and dirty >"YOU'RE....GOING....TO LOVE ME." >she pounces with the lust of a thousand suns >suddenly, Rainbow Dash out of nowhere >lifted off high into the sky, Fluttershy slamming into a solid oak and knocking herself out >"Thanks Rainbow Dash, you really know how to time a dramatic entrance!" >"No probs, Anon. Let's get your butt home!" >taken to the house, dropped off without much trouble >"Looks like all that weight training paid off, huh?" >smack her near her flank >she blushes for a split second, looking away >"Heh, yeah...y-you just get some rest. I'll go check on FS." >"Cool Rainbow. We'll go trail running tomorrow or something. You're a real bro." >"Hah, t-thanks Anon....you are, too." >She flies away lazily with a contented smile and a blush, the slught sting a reminder of Anon's hand on her cutie mark.
>I awaken to the soft blow of sand on my face >The sun light enters my eyes as I get up >I exit my sleeping bag, and remove my clothing from the backpack >I put my survival gear on, and throw the gas mask on >"Well, back on the trail" >I walk down the desert trail for what seems to be hours, no Ponyville >Another day of endless sand >The wind begins to pick up >It's time >I tighten the gas mask, and stand perfectly still >The cloud is coming, closer and closer >The sound of speeding ponies in the distance >The cloud soon passes over me >The the dried out bodies of ponies run past me >If I move, I'll be taken away like the horses >Eventually, the damned ponies pass >Back on the trail