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Threads by latest replies - Page 8
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Anyone interested in getting one of these going? I'll post mine when I'm done.
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While I don't especially like these kinds of threads, /soc/ is absolutely fucking horrible. Let op be I doubt I'll fill one out, but I'd read through others'
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>>271166 That's nice. It's too bad nobody moderates /n/.
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>>271163 well i know that already. if i had friends do you think i'd even be here?
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Britfag here with a question about train tickets. - If I travel from a staffed station to another staffed station, I buy a ticket at the station before departure. - If I travel from a staffed station to an unstaffed station, the same. - If I travel from an unstaffed station to a staffed station, I buy a Permit to Travel before departure and exchange it for a ticket at the other end. - If I travel from an unstaffed station to another unstaffed station, what should I do about paying?
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I'm making some assumptions here: 1. There's no guard to exchange on the train, otherwise you'd do so then. 2. There are penalty fares in the area, otherwise you wouldn't need a PTT (and there'd be no machine to issue them). You get the PTT, and if an inspector pops up, they'll arrange with the guard to exchange it. If you don't meet an inspector, then you travel for 10p.
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Almost every station in the UK has by now been equipped with automated ticket machines. The only exceptions that I've come across are bumfuck areas like far east essex and norfolk, and uncivilised backwards wastelands like wales and scotland.
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/n/, a nasty creaking noise is eminating from my handlebars whenever I push on them. Any ideas what the problem is and how to fix it?
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Did you crash on these bars or bend or break them somehow? First check I'd do is make sure your headset and all the bolts in your stem are properly tightened. Also make sure it isn't your wheel making noise from loose spokes. If after that you still have the noise, if they're new bars with a brand name, punch it in online to see if anyone else reports the same problem.
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Tighten headset/stem bolts.
I've drawn a rough map of my problem. I seem to always be the first car to roll into the turn lane at the red light. The intersecting road has a lot of traffic, and cars are usually going around 45-50 mph. So I idle up halfway through the curve, and wait for a long break in the traffic or for the light to change to pull out and merge. Seems reasonable to me. But 90% of the time, the first few cars behind me - be it some pissy student, a mom, old guy, whoever - starts waving in frustration or laying on the horn every time there's a short break in the traffic. And I'm talking like, a three to five car lengths break. Traffic's going by at like fifty or so, I'm not pulling out into it and gunning the gas so that I don't get run over. tldr; why is everyone mad as fuck?
Professional Commercial driver here... Move the fuck UP into the merge lane. Dont merge, but do move the fuck up. I would move up just enough to let someone go around, and stand still until its safe. DONT move until its safe, and when someone else has an accident behind you? Be sure to stop, and give testimony that you saw it all, watched it happen, and so sorry that some dumb fuck was so stupid.
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>>271046 nice credibility there
>professional commercial driver here Anonymous
Even if you don't have a merge lane, you should pull up to the line and come to a stop rather than creeping up to it. You won't save any time, but you will back up traffic behind you. More importantly, your behavior in that situation is unusual and thus unpredictable; your car could be broken, you could be asleep, etc. Unless you're in stop and go traffic, there's no situation I can think of in which you'd want to idle and roll. If you're moving, you should be moving confidently and clearly. If you're not, you're a safety hazard - people don't know if you're going or staying, and when you start to move it may not be clear that you're doing so.
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>>271082 i am reading this and realizing I did not make anyhting clear at all.
You should pull up so you don't back up traffic behind you.
When you idle, you are unpredictable.
If you're idle-rolling, you're a hazard.
All these clarifications in mind, please re-read
>>271082 . Thank you.
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>>270996 Stop where you are, don't pull up into the merge lane - you'll need that road space to accelerate to match the traffic when your gap appears, otherwise your handful of merging drivers behind you will turn into a brake force wave on the mainline.
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Is it possible to get a replacement for this part somewhere? It's a seat post bolt from a Nishiki International.
Any decent bike shop will have those. Pretty universal.
>>270910 Are you sure?
I've been to three bicycle shops, and neither of them had any. One guy gave me a normal bolt with a nut and some washers instead, while talking about how 'original parts like that are impossible to find.'
Do you know of an online place that has some? I live in Norway, so I guess it would have to have worldwide shipping.
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>>270912 lrn2machine tool
Seriously this is easy to remedy.
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>been to three bicycle shops > Any decent bike shop > decent Not on 'most every bike, like they once were, but still far from an uncommon part. Your favorite shop can order you one. J&B part # 5102 for 19mm or part #5103 for 22mm. Shouldn't cost more than 5 or 6 bucks. In the meantime the ugly nut & bolt will work fine.
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>>270907 I used a piece off a cable adjuster on a pair of brake calipers and a stainless steel pan head Allen bolt + washers. I cbf looking for shit like this when all there is around here are your $15000 carbon frame bike resellers.
Newbie here, Thoughts on a male riding women's frame bike? Does it matter?
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>>270790 No. A bike is a bike is a bike. How it looks isn't important, comfort and fit are. Most normals won't know the difference, and those folk that do, ... hatters gonna hat.
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lots of guys here ride female frames no one gives a fuck ive done it myself in the past
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im a poor fag and ride a womans bike on a regular. im mobile, i'm riding, and dont give a fuck. :D
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My roommate gave me shit for riding a step-through I found on the street. All the more reason I knew it was fine. He's a dumbass.
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My main commuter was an old mixte that I found rusting on the side of the road when I just started high school, It was silver and had semi fancy gear for it's day. Fully built in Japan. spent 40 bucks for tires and rode the fucking shit out of it, Never did I once care about the well being of the bike, if something broke, I removed it, it got to the point where I ended up having only the front brake and no levers to change gears, so i adjusted the derailleur to sit on a mid gear. after about 6 years the steel rims finally rusted out and buckled. Now it is a single speed that was made for the missus to learn to ride on. I still ride it to places when ever I get the chance to Pic mother fucking related
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Skateboarding thread? Longboarding and cruisers accepted. I recently got back into skateboarding and im riding a 7.5 DGK deck (im not a fan f DGK it was just cheap)
It's weird to me that a lot of you are saying that longboards are for old people. I've never seen an older person on a longboard, just people ages 18-22. But then again, I live next to a university.
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>>270619 My roomates 26 and he skates all over Manhattan. I don't think anyone's ever given him a hard time.
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I was biking to work today and saw a young woman pushing herself with an oar type of thing on a longboard. WTF is that, and is it getting trendy?
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Can anyone show me the motions for a kickflip, or give me a good kickflip tutorial video. I just don't understand them. I can heelflip some of the time, (most of my tricks come from nollies n ollies), but when I try to kickflip, I dont get enough rotation, and when I do, it flies forward. Another thing with my heels, when I do them, my board gets a rotation, but I can't catch it, only my front foot does. Ive done a few rolling and one off a ledge, but when I try it in SKATE i fail hopelessly. Please help me. :(
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>>270989 I think what people are saying is that longboarders are older than the stereotypical skateboarder...I've seen people from 18 to 50 on longboards...mind you, the 50 year old pretty much did the same exact style of skating back in the 70's.
Alfa Male !s7Of8U942Q
What do you reakon gentlemen, cracks in the carbon or crazing on the transparent sticker?
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The KG 196 is a piece of art. I'd put that on my wall.
>>270927 I'd say that is in the carbon. It seems they photographed it to cover their ass when they failed to mention it in words.
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>>271050 Likely the aluminum head tube is separating from the carbon.
Alfa Male !s7Of8U942Q
>>271050 They did mention it in the ad but only as "crack marks on the steering column but under sticker so i don't know whether its the sticker or frame"
I had to request more photos but i might have a go asking if they can take the sticker off.
>>271021 Someone has no sense of adventure, just because something looks decent doesn't automatically make it rubbish.
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>>271068 You let me know how long your sense of adventure lasts while your face is meeting the pavement when your headtube snaps.
People of /n/. I need transportation to another city approximately 1 hour away. I have no car. What do?
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Ride a bike. Take a train. Plane. Helicopter. Horse. Walk. Rideshare. Rent a car, truck, tank, submarine, yacht. Jog. Run. Skip. Not having a car is no problem at all seeing as no mater what you do it is still only 1 hour away. Hell, you could probably just stand in the place where you are and make it there in one hour!
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lace up your shoes and get going
the city is constantly one hour away? I suggest a TARDIS.
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>>270756 We will give you a ride in our bus.