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Threads by latest replies - Page 8

[1388023325] Policy

No.109693 View ViewReplyOriginalReport
Falkvinge On Infopolicy - Discussion On Information Policy And Civil Liberties : http://falkvinge.net

[1191778610] 21 Questions the Media Won't Ask Bush

No.54527 View ViewReplyOriginalReport
Mr President, it seems the standard of journalism in the USA has fallen hopelessly. As a result, during your campaign the Press failed to subject you to a serious investigation or a proper background check; you didn't even get an in depth interview. May we make up for that failure now? Thank you.

1). While you were Governor of Texas 130 people were executed. You spared no one (except the Satanist and child molester Henry Lee Lukas who had murdered around 200 people). Some of those executed were mentally retarded, some had incompetent or corrupt state defense lawyers. Several had evidence to prove their innocence, DNA in one case; some were foreigners and had their right of consular access denied, appeals from the governments of Europe, Canada and Mexico went unheard. You even ignored appeals from His Holiness the Pope in the Vatican.

No more striking evidence of your lack of compassion can be illustrated than in matters of life and death. In the light of this, isn't your platform of "Compassionate" Conservatism just hypocrisy?

You have made it clear in a number of television interviews that you regard executions as somewhere between funny and enjoyable. On Talk Magazine you mocked Karla Faye Tucker, with the sarcastic words "Please don't kill me". You also laughed as you gloated over your executions on your first TV debate; your own Republican election staff quickly stopped you after that one.

Isn't the right to life the most fundamental American freedom? Is a man who regards execution so cynically fit to be entrusted with the Presidency and the defense of individual freedom? Isn't a State that executes people when there is proof of their innocence close to committing murder? Isn't the truth that you just don't care one way or another?

You are recorded in 1968 as joining the Chapter 332 Order, a satanic society known as "The Skulls". Is this why you released Lukas?

2. Bush the anti abortion campaigner, and your illegal abortion. Early 1970. President Bush, are you opposed to abortion? Yes?

On October 20th 2000 CNN interviewed Larry Flynt who said he had affidavits from five women who were connected with your early 1970 illegal abortion in Houston (While you were working on your Dad's campaign, before Roe v Wade). Isn't it an abhorrent hypocrisy for you to be so anti abortion when you have arranged at least one yourself?

3. Drug use, drug dealing, cheating your 15 and 30 year prison sentences, 1972
President Bush, weren't you arrested in 1972 for possessing a large quantity of Cocaine and its use, and didn't you then spend some time in Harris County Jail? Don't many people get 15 years in prison for this? Who secretly commuted your sentence to a year's PULL community service in Houston and covered it up as "work for the disadvantaged"? Was it your Dad's or your Skull and Bones contacts? Who? Why didn't the Press sing it from the rooftops?

Until you were 40 years old weren't you a selfish playboy who didn't care for the disadvantaged?

According to Reed's book, "Compromised" published by Penmarin Books, the DEA set up a drugs sting in 1985 with FBI information and the help of Barry Seal (a CIA agent who smuggled drugs for the CIA). At Tamiami airport in Florida they filmed the transfer of several kilos of cocaine from Beech N6308F into a Beech King Air, whose co- pilot was Terry Reed. Didn't they cancel the arrest when they realized the drug buyers they were filming were you and your brother, i.e. Jeb and George W Bush? Is it appropriate for a President to have been dealing in Cocaine by the kilo? Barry Seal was murdered soon after, the investigation into his death quashed. Did you or one of the government departments over which your family has private influence or control order his murder to cover up your actions?

Isn't it cynical hypocrisy for you to press for the hardest possible sentence on first time drug offenders when you dealt in kilos yourself? Others who dealt in kilos got 30 years in prison. Isn't it unfair you get off scott free?

4. Dodging Vietnam, one year AWOL from the Texas National Guard 1972-3
You were due to be drafted to Vietnam in 1969, when some of the heaviest fighting was taking place. But according to the Dallas Morning News, September 28 & October 30, 1999, didn't your business associate Sid Adger get the Speaker of the Texas House of Representative to contact General James Rose, and get you into the Texas National Guard? Didn't you dodge Vietnam completely?

General William Turnipseed and his aide Kenneth Lott both flatly deny that you ever appeared for duty for your service in Alabama. (The Boston Globe, May 23, 1999.) Didn't your two superior officers at Ellington Air Force Base, Lieutenant Colonel William D. Harris Jr. and Lieutenant Colonel Jerry B. Killian, effectively declare you missing from duty?

Weren't you AWOL from the Texas National Guard from May 1972 to April 73? Why is all this reported in detail in the local newspapers but not in the National media? What power does the Republican party possess to keep it hidden?

5. Foul language. Who's worse, you or President Nixon?
Do you think President Nixon's "expletive deleted" language on the famous Watergate tapes a disgrace to America?

You do? Then why do you use the same language in private? Just to quote three examples among the many: "Ass hole" about a reporter to Dick Cheney when you thought the microphones were off; the F-word to your mother while arguing, "You F- son of a bitch" to Al Hunt, a Wall St Journal reporter, in front of Hunt's wife and 4 year old son in a Dallas restaurant. If we were to listen to tapes of you talking in private, who would sound the worst, you or President Nixon?
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[1387815749] Topless Protest In Brazil Sags

No.109681 View ViewReplyOriginalReport
Topless protest in Brazil sags

A much-hyped protest for the right to go topless on Rio de Janeiro's beaches fell flat on Saturday when only a handful of women bared their chests for the movement.

   More than 100 photojournalists stampeded across the golden sands of Ipanema beach when the first woman took off her bikini top to flout Brazilian law. Just three or four other women joined in.

   "A breast isn't dangerous," said Ms Olga Salon, a 73-year-old Rio native, as she stripped off her black tank top. "It's a false-Puritanism and indicative of our macho culture that we have a law forbidding that a woman can go topless."

   Internationally, Brazil has a reputation as a nation of liberal sexual mores, where nudity is not only tolerated but enthusiastically embraced during Carnival parades, reported AP.

[1387846854] Electronic Harassment

No.109682 View ViewReplyOriginalReport
Cosmic Warrior is a Metaphysical /New Age Novel that comprises short stories and insightful Poetics in a diary format. This is a story of the life of T.I’s. Target Individuals a phenomena of today’s covert world affairs. In the tradition of Daniel Ellsberg, Bradley Manning and Edward Snowed yet the T.I. world is hidden down the black operations rabbit hole monitored by the military industrial complex. Few know of its existence and agencies like the CIA/NSA/ FBI Homeland Security…would like it to stay dark, hidden from the light of public opinion. Cosmic Warrior is crafted to bring this under- world to the surface for all to see and discuss in detail. There are at least 400,000 T.I. worldwide 70% are females, they go through more torture over time than the men because of electronic rape. To purchase go to:  www.amazon.com, www.barnes&nobles.com, www.sony.com and the Apple Store.

[1384093926] Obama regime in tatters

No.109543 View ViewReplyOriginalReport

[1211421380] The US Military

No.65733 View ViewReplyOriginalReport
almost everyone i know in the US Military hates the US Military.  discus...
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[1189410529] illuminati

ID:TDmF8O/E No.51444 View ViewReplyOriginalReport
illuminati, do they really exist?
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[1387183154] Libertarianism vs corporate fascism

No.109650 View ViewReplyOriginalReport
Who rules in...
Libertarian society - corporations
Corporate fascist society - corporations
Anarcho-capitalist society - corporations
Whats the difference? The degree of corporate power? since they rule that can adjust that 'degree'.
1 post omitted

[1103883322] I can see it now...

No.2 View ViewReplyLast 50OriginalReport
Well... unfortionatly, even with Moot's best efforts, I can already see a thread full of "omg bush suxorz..." ect.

Well, for once, I'm going to head it all off. Since this place is SO new, I'm going to do something unheard of... I'm making this a Pro Bush thread.

Yes, you heard me right. I voted for Bush. I am 19 years old, and I am very aware of the issues. I plan to vote all my life. Bush's tax cuts helped my family and partially allowed me to go to college. I wish he would drop the whole "amnisty for illegals", but, I doubt he will. I think he handled Sept 11th with a quiet grace. While I know he is prone to make mestakes when speaking, I'd like to see someone who hasn't. The fact that he is so soft spoke, yet so smart, greatly impresses me. He served his country, in a different way that Kerry. However, he did more than Clinton did, so he gets points with me.

So... I could continue listing things that make me like thus guy, but frankly, I'd like to find some people who agree with me. Yes yes, I know people exist who's life goal has been to humiliate the man, but lets hear from the people who actually like him. Obviously, more than half the country does...

Anyway, I don't know if I should be bold enough to keep this a pro bush thread, or give in to the fact that probably, this thread will turn into a mix of good and bad. But just, try to keep it civil.

And... no talk of killing him. As much as you hate the guy, there is no reason to want to kill him. Don't use that type of anger here.

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[1184215361] Marijuana Documentary

ID:+aux5bJT No.45908 View ViewReplyOriginalReport
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