Why is this thread here why does this even warrant discussion do you people not have lives
τԋRȃɔʞϨ !JEEPSoYooo
>>7928617 get the fuck out of here too
>>7928611 I understand, you feel left out, you aren't down with the whole /o/ scene, you just want us to find you a new shitbox, and then you can go back to /b/. We understand you, so please understand us.
theManwhowouldlikeCars !!OwL97fP0rc6
This is a bad thread and you should feel bad
>>7928619 >Implying I didn't detrip for this shitfest Anonymous
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>>7928620 Well if it isn't the master of shitty threads himself.
Top fucking lel.
Cavalierlulz !MIRY6FdnD2
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>>7928622 Yeah, what would a 2 month old pontiac grand prix related trip do? Make you look less new?
>>7928629 You too
Fuck off back to being an attention whore on facebook and ruining peoples lives
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>>7928635 With best regards, Landon (your true love).
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Why is this thread here 4 times a week
>>7928605 >2013 >thinking overboard is even relevant He's just another small fish in the sea of useless tripfags on here. There are a few that have a quirk or something interesting about them (be it good or bad), but he's not one of them.
winter(OO)====V====(OO)project !!Gb/d94V41Zg
winter(OO)====V====(OO)project !!Gb/d94V41Zg Fri 19 Apr 2013 02:44:54 No. 7928641 Report Quoted By:
>>7928640 What sets him apart is that he's been here for many years now, but for some retarded reason he still acts like the very new shit trips we have now.
The guy is a fucking idiot who should know better.
τԋRȃɔʞϨ !JEEPSoYooo
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>>7928618 Go be mad somewhere else.
>>7928647 Has he actually been here for that long? Fuck that means I've been here way longer than I thought.
There's already two tripfag threads
theManwhowouldlikeCars !!OwL97fP0rc6
>>7928647 >continuing to post that picture Overboard isn't so bad, then again everyone's cool in After H/o/urs
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>>7928660 Now there are more, deal with it nerd.
>>7928662 You are bad, Overboard is bad and most of the shit trips are bad.
That's a fucking fact right in your face.
Cavalierlulz !MIRY6FdnD2
good: tractorfag and rainbowranger come to mind. bad: nearly all the others
Firechicken !POnTIAcKSE
>>7928713 It doesn't go away because everyone loves meta threads you dolt. I'm sorry you can't join the fun because you're so fucking new.
The Gaskid !hk3z3JRe8I
>>7928722 >Firechicken >New Sorry mate, you're talking out of your arse there. I'm new to trippin though
>>7928722 >replying to firechicken Anonymous
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>>7928664 >she That's a he, bro.
>>7928727 Firechicken is fucking new, do you think a year or two make someone an oldfag? You will never reach the oldfag level in your fucking live.
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All trips are gaylord shitheads.
>>7928605 MX-5 Bro because he's fucking dumb and removed his waterpump and blamed /o/ when it fucking exploded
Firechicken !POnTIAcKSE
>>7928728 This.
>Taking anything I say seriously Anonymous
>>7928749 >removed his waterpump WAT? Details?
Explorer !fSNwOYTits
>>7928759 >best tripfag oxymoron if I've ever heard one before
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>>7928712 >mfw I gotta live up to this now At least I've been commented on now! YAY!
>>7928764 :(
The Gaskid !hk3z3JRe8I
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>>7928737 Nope, but I dont think being here for a year or two makes someone new.
And I probably wont - shit, watch my life spiral away from me. Who am I anymore?
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>>7928757 >taking anything he says seriously i doubt MX-5 even had a MX-5
vtak yo !EGW8pzdbCs
fuck yea circle jerk thread
>>7928759 Not until the western Canada meet you aren't
ur 1 cheeky cunt u no that m8
>>7928754 Hey, would you be down for a Winnipeg meet sometime in the summer?
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Exploder is seems like a cool, and he lives's pretty close to me As for worst trip fag, i dunno. I don't really pay attention to most of them, since it seems like most are fanboys for hondas and bmws
MaineFag !!VqpxjX1nvYl
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>>7928778 Circle Jerk thread?
KKK !wRnc9YmRL6
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I'm an oldfag.
Turtletron !PORsCHeNLc
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>not missing the lil sperg I wonder if v3k feels guilty for what happened
Explorer !fSNwOYTits
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>>7928780 Shheeettttt if the Explorer can make it to Canadia in the first place
>>7928790 Winnipeg?
Where the hell do you and Chicken live?
Firechicken !POnTIAcKSE
>>7928790 Sure!
I don't know if there's anyone else from Winnipeg on here though. We're gonna have a two car meetup then haha.
>>7928807 Why on earth would anybody live in Manitoba on purpose?
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>>7928809 I know of at least three others, I'm sure if I start a few threads we could get at least two of them.
>>7928813 We were born here.
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>Americans complain about driving Nocal/Socal for meets >Canadians are trying to arrange a meet from a geographical area half the size of continental US
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>>7928656 He posted like twice in 2009
and now he thinks he's a super oldfag
Firechicken !POnTIAcKSE
>>7928837 Western Canada
Where you can stand on a box and watch your dog run away for 2 weeks
✩✩ tpopz :3 !!54781A6jgXZ
>>7928647 is that really him?
>>7928848 tpoopz how old r u
>>7928848 He drives a RHD Celica and is in University
What do you think
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>>7928856 like, literally 6 years old
Firechicken !POnTIAcKSE
>>7928860 That's not the original image, somebody flipped it. This is the real one, his car is RHD.
>>7928869 Manitoba: 5x larger than England, with England having 50x the population
Fun fact.
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Stop posting feet in aut/o/ threads nigga. I'm trying to stay away and you're bringing it to me.
✩✩ tpopz :3 !!54781A6jgXZ
how do you even become a trip
>>7928929 #1
Do something worth noting
Like, driving into a tree, for instance
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>>7928934 Realistically, that. In reality, nothing.
Wut !iLoVeYOUvM
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>>7928929 For starters you should have something to say worth listening to, which, unfortunately, 90% of the current trips don't.
vag !zpxZ7QwjSU
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Y'all niggas need Jesus
>>7928757 the other day he made a thread about it, he wanted his car to be "faster in the touge". It overheadted needless to say and exploded.
>he wanted us to start suggesting engine swaps. yeah he's dumb.
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>>7928968 >removes cooling apparatus >is surprised when it overheats and is therefore fucked He must be a special brand of stupid.
Service Engine Standard !xISSf3ZmXk
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>>7928968 He had to be trolling.
He was poorly trolling that whole night,
There is no way anyone can be that stupid.
>>7928968 Wait.. I understand that's a decent skim over, but could you elaborate a /little/ bit more?
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>>7928968 >>7928979 stupid trolled fucks
Overboard etc !!yvm0QrHZZJQ
y u mad tho op
dont bother actually answering, i'm not going to stop doing whatever it is that made you mad. 90% of my shitposts these days are in response to mad anons anyway.
>>7928912 >>7928837 pic related, you guys dont know the glorious sk feels
Wut !iLoVeYOUvM
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>>7928968 >believing anything mx5_bro says RAiNBOWRANGER !OjFaX5I3po
>>7928987 >implying my bike hasn't been stolen in SK My Uncle lives in Prince Albert, I've had my bike stolen before, not a good feel.
>>7928995 >>7928987 You can own bikes in MB/SK and actually get anywhere in a timely manner?
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>>7929017 Well, I live in a town outside of Winnipeg,, but ya know, sometimes.
Overboard etc !!yvm0QrHZZJQ
>>7929017 Only in the city lol.
Actually, I know a guy who squatted on a farm (long story) in a small trailer concealed by a weatherproof dome for like 10 years. Since he didn't have the money for a car he biked 20 miles to town every few days on gravel roads. Eventually he built an electric scooter-bike amalgamation so it didn't take him hours each way.
>>7928995 >PA LOL never again
>>7929044 I slept under an overpass in Spain.
From that moment on, I had a new found respect for homeless people.
Credit to that homeless guy, sounds like he was smarter than the average hobo.
Overboard etc !!yvm0QrHZZJQ
>>7929095 >Credit to that homeless guy, sounds like he was smarter than the average hobo. He is university educated but something's wrong with his head. Pretty sure he is paranoid and maybe schizo. Guy is really, really fucking smart but basically sounds like a walking /pol/ conspiracy dictionary. Plus he's convinced people are trying to kill him and shit like that
still, surviving in a dome tent thing for 10 years is pretty impressive. especially since he built almost everything he used himself
Crescent Fresh !!Q42oAY1SJJN
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Rainbow, Overboard, Thracks, Aussiemuscle, the enitre Volvo clan.
>>7929114 Somehow I'm not surprised to see this retard in this thread.
>>7929146 Probably because the thread is about him, idiot.
>>7929114 Genius/Insanity coin, etc.
10 days an I can go back home and begin trolling the general populace... 10 days.. when're your exams done?
Overboard etc !!yvm0QrHZZJQ
>>7929155 Tuesday. Then assuming I get my safety deposit back (lel) I'll be registering the Celica again lel
>>7929146 see
>>7929151 Dieseleration !TARBOs232M
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I nominate myself for most retarded tripfag for not changing my fuel filter when i bought my car.>tfw have no fucking idea how to put a new filter on my fuel line without letting air in WHAT THE FUCK AM I DOING WITH MY LIFE, GUYS? TELL ME.
>>7929165 I'm considering buying a lab coat and goggles, and seeing how hard I can wat-the-fak out of the city.
I get filmed enough driving around, should add for another level of enjoyment
>>7929225 I'm assuming you drive a DeLorean? Do you have pics of it? (I know it probably looks like all the rest of them but it would still be cool to see)
>>7929235 These are from Easter. I store the car near Calgary.
>>7929247 >$1.129 Fuck gas is like $1.25 here in Toronto
>>7929254 >$1.25 That's not per gallon is it?
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>>7929254 ALBERTA
>>7929259 We use this magical metric system up here. 1 gallon is roughly 3.8 liters.
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>>7929259 No. They're Canadians.
Overboard etc !!yvm0QrHZZJQ
>>7929225 oh lawd
probably make the fucking news considering we don't have anything else to report on. "mad scientist spotted driving delorean.." get a wig and go for the whole doc brown thing
>>7929268 Google that shit in 10 days, you'll see if I'm successful. Maybe it'll have a Toronto-Batman effect.
I'm also gonna have to find somewhere to buy some more tapes, currently I only have 2
1. The Story of John DeLorean
2. Bridge over Troubled Water
Luckily, ^ that's my favourite album ever.
Where the hell does someone get tapes these days?
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least faves BTC/TA990FXE and ND
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>>7928673 Not you again. Go away
>>7929309 Does Half Price Books exist up in Canada? If so, they always have tons of old cassettes
lol i trol u !!8m+H51rfpNO
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hey guys what's going on in this thread
Some Asshole With A Train Horn !HOnKiNg.JI
Some Asshole With A Train Horn !HOnKiNg.JI Fri 19 Apr 2013 04:47:05 No. 7929334 Report Quoted By:
>>>/soc/ you
>>7929259 are americans really this stupid?
>>7929254 stop complaining, its 134 in vancouver
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>>7929336 Yeah, but mine is compounded by the fact that I have to live in fucking Toronto.
lol i trol u !!8m+H51rfpNO
>>7929268 I've always wanted to buy a DeLorean, if only so I can come to a screeching halt in front of public places, jump out, excitedly ask the nearest person what year it is, then yell "Good! There's still time!" as I run back to the driver's seat and drive off.
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>>7929325 Can't say I've seen it.
Pawn shops likely will, right?
Haven't been to a pawn shop for like 10 years..
7mgeFag !!JXsqLnGUUaz
Best Trip:
AutoX (would say Piston, RIP, couldn't deal)
Worst Trip:
>>7928673 why would you post that?
>>7929349 Some people never really consider the inherent hilarity in owning one.
Wanna do a drive through?
Well, the bag won't fit through the half-window.
What do you do?
You open your door.
While opening, the door extends a max of 6" away from the car.
mfw I have to open my door to get McDix
mfw that face on the till girl
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>>7929348 Canucks are my back-up team
Living in Edmonton these days, and the average age of an Oilers player is like 14
>>7929367 Whatever happened to Piston? Did he just decide to stop posting?
Overboard etc !!yvm0QrHZZJQ
>>7929536 He was having irl issues with his family (grandma had cancer) last I heard. I assume (but hope I'm wrong) that she died and he is helping out with the shop etc irl
>>7929545 Recent pic of the Celica: go
>>7929623 >inb4 pic in garage because it hasn't moved AlbertaDeLorean
>>7929634 I haven't ever seen a pic of it, to my memory
Overboard etc !!yvm0QrHZZJQ
>>7929634 I don't have a camera bro. My phone can't connect to the internet (lol sasktel). I'm sure you know how poor I am since you pointed out how it's only registered 50% of the time. I'll take new pictures whenever I go back home and have access to a real camera. Since it's melting season I might even pretend I'm lolrallying and take pics of that, assuming I don't treequinox it.
>>7929699 well if you've never seen a pic this will work lel
>>7929721 Any work done to her?
Overboard etc !!yvm0QrHZZJQ
>>7929755 Nah it was the stockest one I could find for sale in jdmland. 7X,XXX kms. Only "mods" are the wheels and turbo timer
exhaust looks like a can but it's stock
Hakosuka !!pSSFj4k15LT
trip removed !lSUf4YXU5.
>>7929721 >My phone can't connect to the internet (lol sasktel) >your phone can't connect to the computer >your computer doesn't have a scanner or a webcam >you have more excuses than you have assholes falcunt !EHA06TbxZY
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I like most of the yanks their ok. All of the aussies are awesome except for ND and his retarded steering wheel swap crap. Aussie Muscle i dunno i heard stuff about him and the real australican is okay.
7mgeFag !!JXsqLnGUUaz
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>>7929721 Make a video and post on jewtube if you do
nothing fancy, just some muddy dirt road mobbing similar to Jackal's or something
it'd also be a good time to prove that you aren't some greasy long haired Hagrid lookin hippie or some shit
Overboard etc !!yvm0QrHZZJQ
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>>7929819 I still have to take pictures of the chassis for equinox so when I do that, I'll take some new pictures so I don't have to shit up every thread with the same ones. Until then deal with it mother fucker.
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>>7929803 Stock exhaust? Fuck, you did get a rare one.
Whore yourself out to keep her on the road