Update 2024-03-27: Greatly expanded the "Samples" page and renamed it to "Glossary".
Update 2024-04-04: Added 5 million mid-2011 posts from the k47 post dump. Browse (mostly) them here.
Update 2024-04-07: Added ~400 October 2003 posts from 4chan.net. Browse them here.
Welcome to Oldfriend Archive, the official 4chan archive of the NSA. Hosting ~170M text-only 2003-2014 4chan posts (mostly 2006-2008).
Hey /po/, this is the guy who's currently working on the froglok model. After much hard work at finding a way to open up the raw textures from Resident Evil 2, I have begun working on making papercrafts of the RE 2 models. They're pretty simple, so it shouldn't take long. First up is Leon in his alternate costume. Thoughts?
Hello /po/ Im really thinking about trying some papercraft Im obviously new at this and I was wondering if you guys could help me out Im looking for something easy like a cat or something along those lines, I've looked through all 15 pages and didn't see a template I was really interested in I like the Dando one but the face seems off so anyways any advice or simple awesome templates would really be helpful and appreciated
sup /po/, I've been nostalgia-ing over pogs lately and decided, why not start making my own? Should I just print designs out as stickers and just add them onto pieces of cardboard? I'm not even sure what type of cardboard/paper to use. I figured this would be the right board to go to for help and I'm sure self-made pogs would be an interesting addition to this board the way stencils have found a home here.
Not sure if this is the right place to go, but I'm looking for some awesome stencils to put on my t-shirts / walls / desks etc etc. I use spray to paint it. Looking for nerdy ones. Starwars, old classic games, and so on.