Directions for easy Destroyer. By Lithiumjuice
-- Roll 3 over a table edge or similar surface to add a curve the width of 1
-- Glue 1 to the bottom of 3 to hold the curve
-- Glue 2 to the bottom of 1
-- Score the dashed lines on 4 to get the shape of FIG. 1. Glue the wide end to the bottom of 2
-- Score the dashed lines on 5, fold over to get a 2D rectangle with the face on the outside (the extra folds are for bulk)
-- Glue this torso to the front side of 4 and the curve of 3
-- 6 is the base, probably best to glue this to some cardboard for added support
-- Glue 7 onto 6, also make this out of cardboard or a craft stick (tongue depressor, popsicle stick thing)
-- Get a kabob skewer or something similar and cut it down to about an inch or an inch and a half
-- Bore a hole in 7 though to 6 the size of your skewer, on the dot
-- Cut along the "H" shape on 4 and insert one end of the skewer in here, and the other end in the base. You can glue these down but I don't for transporting purposes
-- Take a piece of sprue or skewer and cut it down to about an inch or so and glue it facing out off of the torso's shoulder to work as the gun
I use a hot glue gun and using this template I made 6 of these in about 10 minutes, cutting and all.
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