Update 2024-03-27: Greatly expanded the "Samples" page and renamed it to "Glossary".
Update 2024-04-04: Added 5 million mid-2011 posts from the k47 post dump. Browse (mostly) them here.
Update 2024-04-07: Added ~400 October 2003 posts from 4chan.net. Browse them here.
Welcome to Oldfriend Archive, the official 4chan archive of the NSA. Hosting ~170M text-only 2003-2014 4chan posts (mostly 2006-2008).
>with this girl for 4 years >she goes "to work" one night >her sister calls looking for her, saying she can't get a hold of her and they were supposed to have dinner >thinking my gf forgot, i call her at work to let her know her sister wants her to call her >work says she's off that night, i get suspicious >have p.i. follow her, find out she's cheating on me with not one, but TWO different guys - dude gave me pics >wait till our wedding her parents paid for, she says "i do" i say "no, i do not" - wedding instantly turns into a lulz fest >i shut everyone up by producing the pictures of her making out with the two different guys >one of them was at our wedding in the audience, LOL >she's crying, i'm lol'ing as i leave with *HER FAMILY* apologizing to me >i shut off ALL utilities at my place, crash at my bro's place and tell her she has 30 days to get out. >this happened last saturday, she finally got the rest of her shit out tonight.
I got the idea to do that at the wedding from that old chain letter that went around with the guy who put the pictures under everyone's chairs. I considered that but didn't want to spend the cash on it. As for the rest of it, well it still hasn't sunk in all the way. Can't believe the bullet I just dodged. 4 years down the drain because the whore couldn't keep her legs closed. I learned my lesson. I will never trust another woman ever again. (I'm tempted to ask her sister out, but am still up in the air about that one.)
I'm waiting for a few friends to get here and we're off to the bar! First weekend as a free man in over 4 years! I hope you all have a great weekend. I know I will!
ITT: Weirdest things that have ever happened to you
> At after school program, in 1st grade > Have to piss > Walk into bathroom see kid crying > Kid standing in the middle of the bathroom literally covered head to toe in shit, arms legs showes face... everything > Get the fuck out of there
>Still a virgin >Try to be as chivalrous as possible in general. >Get called a white knight by close circle of friends >Like it. >Some how manage to get in a position to fuck one of said friends. >Don't think I can do it, kind of nervous. Like the whole white knight / virgin persona I have. >With out me saying anything, she kisses me and looks me in the eyes. >"Every hero needs a vice..." >Five thousand boners. >Instantly. >For ever.
ITT: The hottest thing any one has ever said to you.
So I've just read up on The Buzzer for the first time. For those of you who don't know, it's a Russian radio station that's been sending out signals since the Cold War, and no one knows what it's for. Then I started reading about numbers stations and now I wonder how many other strange happenings are out there that I haven't read about yet.
What are some good quirks, oddities and mysteries of the 20th/21st centuries, /r9k/? Not shit like "hurr durr how did Building 7 collapse", but things like interesting spy transmissions on public radio, old Soviet ghost towns, etc. (I've got war on the brain at the moment, but feel free to be creative.)
I know this is more of an /x/ thread, but /r9k/ always has such better stories.
> at party with people from school, know nearly everyone > see a girl I don't know > nobody else seems to know her > I try to talk to her but she ignores me and walks away > follow her and ask her who she is > she stops dead and slowly turns to face me > she spits right in my face, turns back round, and storms out > run after her shouting > she sprints down the road > go back to party, ask if anyone knows who the fuck that was > nobody does > forget about it > 2 days later I get an e-mail from a temp e-mail address > it just says "Still don't remember me?" > there's a picture attached > it's me lying passed out drunk > I'm naked > that girl is holding my dick > mfw I have no idea when this picture was taken, where it was taken, who took it, who the girl was, why I was there, why she was at the party, etc etc etc.
>walking with some friends down a street >see car coming up behind us >glance over at the car as they drive past >old white guy driving >young back guy in the passenger seat holding a huge real snake >me and the black guy make eye contact >wat