Update 2024-03-27: Greatly expanded the "Samples" page and renamed it to "Glossary".
Update 2024-04-04: Added 5 million mid-2011 posts from the k47 post dump. Browse (mostly) them here.
Update 2024-04-07: Added ~400 October 2003 posts from 4chan.net. Browse them here.
Welcome to Oldfriend Archive, the official 4chan archive of the NSA. Hosting ~170M text-only 2003-2014 4chan posts (mostly 2006-2008).
I’d like to bounce some thoughts off you sci and see what you think.
I am a chronic slacker. I procrastinate self-destructively. I have for years. In highschool I managed to slide by doing the minimum amount of work but even then it caused problems. Obviously doing the stuff I love is easy and I’m successful at it, but as soon as something is hard for me or isn’t immediately engaging for me I become evasive. I know that if I don’t buckle down and do the stuff that is hard for me I’ll never get better at it. Ultimately, I got into a pretty good college based on my essays, interviews and standardized test scores, but now my slacking is starting to cause real problems.
I’m not a defeatist. I believe in self improvement. I’m really an optimist. I’m generally happy. I believe that the world is an awesome place and I believe that I’m an awesome person. I know I can do better but I just can’t seem to muster the willpower for continuous, meticulous work. I’m becoming increasingly disappointed in myself for analyzing and bitching about my problems and not just fixing them. I’m such a wuss, god damn.
The purpose of this thread is to provide you with some insight into a framework from statistical physics which has left me fascinated ever since I first learned about it. Now that it is beginning to be applied to neuroscientific research increasingly more often, I can illustrate its usefulness to my own line of work.
In this thread, I will assume the reader has zero knowledge, but infinite intelligence. I will try my best to explain some of the more difficult concepts, but time prevents me from going into detail as much as I would like to. As such, the reader is encouraged to google terms, and ask for clarification on any concept they do not understand. Be they a physicist with limited knowledge about neuroscience, a biologist with limited knowledge about physics, or just an interested laymen. I hope to start a discussion between people from different fields, not necessarily related to the topic at hand, so don’t be afraid to join in.
Okay I have 7.34 gigabytes of math books, 2.66 gigabytes of chemistry books, and 5.21 gigabytes of physics. A list of the books from each subject can be found below. Math: http://pastebin.ca/2126473 Chemistry: http://pastebin.ca/2126470 Physics: http://pastebin.ca/2126474 Please only request one book at a time. Some books are very large and take longer to upload so please be patient. I should be doing this for a couple hours or until my internet connection slows. When requesting a book please provide the full path. All of these books can be torrented, just google "subject books torrent". Also, if anybody can write a script that would check these books against that Russian ebook database/website that would be awesome.
is there a limit to how much different combinations of music can be played? I mean... does music ever run out until we have tried all of the possible different notes and crap... idk is there a limit?
youve probably noticed all the crap on the board about me, and i didnt post any of it, but it still needs to stop. so ive decided to permanently go anonymous, and just to hold me to it so i cant change my mind, ill reveal my trip
there no going back now.
i'll still post, but just as anonymous. by the way, teacup and haz genuinely arnt me, so if you still see them posting, they arnt me, so i'll post as anon, they might not, i dunno.
QS - Physiology QS - Reproductive System QS - Skeletal System QS - Surface Anatomy QS - The Brain QS - The Heart QS - The Senses QS - The Viscera QS - Urogenital System
Sparkcharts dumps 1-7 are all archived. Just go to /sci/ on chanarchive.org.
Benefits of living on the land: - No need to withstand 9001 JiggaPascals of pressure - Plenty of free land available. Literally tons of entire continent-sized areas that are largely uninhabited - The Sahara desert can be terraformed for less effort than living at the bottom of the fucking sea - No risk of drowning in your living room
Gee, with all these benefits, who WOULDN'T want to live the rest of their lives on this majestic and safe dry land?