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Threads by latest replies - Page 4


Text Book

!genesi1Q6c No.3975332 View ViewReplyLast 50OriginalReport
Taking textbook requests; here is what I have.
I'm not uploading entire folders unless soneone wants to give me access to a ftp, the folders are too large and slows the other uploads down.
112 posts and 7 images omitted

Intelligence and religiosity thread.

!NKCqu160yw No.3949315 View ViewReplyLast 50OriginalReport
The following studies were posted in a thread admonishing atheists. The OP apparently became buttmad at the scientific consensus that atheists are smarter on average than theists using every metric for intelligence available, so he deleted the thread.

Someone also asked for more recent studies. I'll post those first, just for you, followed by the century's worth of older studies.



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!!d1rrJ+p+/nz No.3930470 View ViewReplyOriginalReport
Science jokes? Science jokes.

I'll start:

Schrödinger went to see Heisenberg, searching for his cat.
- I´m so worried; he said, I don´t even know is it alive or dead. Please Werner, could you help me the fuck out here and tell me where it is or at least where is it´s momentum headed?
- Oh well, said Heisenberg and kicked Schrödinger's ass.
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!!ThFjnJh4EkH No.3899132 View ViewReplyLast 50OriginalReport
I can't help but feel like the full, true, all-encompassing and immaculate nature of reality is something supremely weird and totally beyond the bounds of human intellect.

The string theorists are starting to tell us that models of the universe should be based on higher dimensions... the 4 or even 5 dimensional models of relativity were not enough. In 2010, some astronomical data indicated that there were 3 times as many stars as previously thought. New subatomic particles are theorized and discovered with every generation... Current theories suggest the accelerating universe is caused by a mysterious dark energy in far corners of the universe...

I see an increasingly complicated big picture, and an increasingly limited ability to observe the universe.

I think science is going to dead end at some point in the future-- it will discover a problem to which it postulates a theory for which it is unable to experiment and therefore unsure of being true.

tl;dr The universe is of an intricate and incomprehensible complexity, and we can only observe a very, very, very tiny piece of the whole.

Do you agree science probably has a limit? If not, what makes you think we have the intellectual capacity, technology or observational capability to figure the universe out?
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!!h/HxpkvWDAR No.3883381 View ViewReplyLast 50OriginalReport
Aeronautical engineering general.
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!medz1J/1Ok No.3888579 View ViewReplyLast 50OriginalReport
Let's get this started, /sci/.

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!!PEF7BVl3fW0 No.3886863 View ViewReplyLast 50OriginalReport
90% of first year students get this wrong, can you solve it?
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!obkpuSWh5M No.3876130 View ViewReplyOriginalReport
surely we scientists can think of some more upgrades.
Stuff that means you don't piss out of the bit you put in girls and that sort of thing
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!EKFQOBUFnQ No.3848482 View ViewReplyLast 50OriginalReport
what are the effects of sex at an early age on girls? there are some studies that show teens becoming delinquent more ofter if the have sex at an early age and such but are there any physical effects? how about mentally?

The reason I want to know is I am a single father and I have a 12 yo daughter who has recently become interested in sex (we are a very open family so we talk about that sort of stuff). she ashed me to take her virginity but I don't know if it is too soon, but she keeps asking me to do it and I don't want to disappoint her.

Any help would be appreciated.
179 posts and 11 images omitted

No.3841210 View ViewReplyOriginalReport
You have just died, and you find yourself at the gates of Heaven with Saint Peter before you.

"Have you anything to say for yourself before I issue your fate?" he asks. What do you say?
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