Update 2024-03-27: Greatly expanded the "Samples" page and renamed it to "Glossary".
Update 2024-04-04: Added 5 million mid-2011 posts from the k47 post dump. Browse (mostly) them here.
Update 2024-04-07: Added ~400 October 2003 posts from 4chan.net. Browse them here.
Welcome to Oldfriend Archive, the official 4chan archive of the NSA. Hosting ~170M text-only 2003-2014 4chan posts (mostly 2006-2008).
>fat stepmother is fat >I explain to her that anyone can be physically fit and healthy, it just takes some dedication and hard work >she tells me no and that people are either fat or thin naturally >she tells me she doesn't eat a lot and being fat is just her body type and it is not her fault >she thinks I am insulting her when I said anybody could be physically fit >tells me that I am not invited to eat dinner with the family tonight >I am also not allowed to use the kitchen
I engaged in the mythical twincest and figured since quite a few people seem to get hard and want to know more that I'd start a thread for it.
We started at 13 and it went on til 18 when I left for the military but happened one more time at 19 during a family vacation I met them for. I was always the bottom since he thought it would hurt too much.
Feel free to ask any and all questions. I'll give my AIM/Skype too if someone asks and wants to chat there instead of here.
hey guys my names charlotte and im in love with a boy named matthew i feel like we're perfect for each other and i see him like all the time and get pictures with him he is amazing but i want to be his girlfriend but these OTHER girls get more attention :(
Fetish thread. Post your fetishes, fantasies, experiences, and contact info.
27 male michigan. ( 313 / 734 / 248 ) AIM and skype: ech0anon email in email field.
Fetishes: RAPE. domination, bondage, very rough, creampies, humiliation.
Last decent fuck: My sub was on her back, hands tied behind her, legs tied by the knees to the bed corners, spread. She has her panties in her mouth, duct taped shut, as a gag. There is a buttplug in her ass, and I'm fucking her pussy. I'm hold a vibe on her clit with one hand, and my other hand around her neck. Just as she begins to cum, i cut off her air supply, which makes her cum that much harder, bucking her hips into the air. She was in such an afterglow she didn't even get mad when I came in her pussy, though she told me earlier she wasn't on birth control.
Shame I couldn't keep that sub, but I had a girlfriend at the time and wasn't interested in two long-term partners. Thank god for morning after pills and submissives.
ITT: Weird , awkward, or unusual sex stories. >Go over GF's house for blowjowski >Do the whole foreplay bullshit... >She unzips my pants >FUCKING PUMPED >She grabs my dick, but her grip tightens to the point where it slightly hurts >Her head slowly rises, her wide and buggy eyes meeting mine >Kind of scared >She speaks in a dead serious tone I've never heard come out of her mouth before >"MY DESTINY AWAITS." >Sucking commenses, as normal, but during and after the oral session I can't help but wonder why the FUCK she did that.
I know none of you guys are, since this board is all normalfags, but can we talk about being a shut-in, a hermit, or otherwise anti-social loser ITT?
You know the kind, the ones who no one knows even exist, the people who don't even know where to make friends, much less relationships. Especially those out of college and stuff.