Update 2024-03-27: Greatly expanded the "Samples" page and renamed it to "Glossary".
Update 2024-04-04: Added 5 million mid-2011 posts from the k47 post dump. Browse (mostly) them here.
Update 2024-04-07: Added ~400 October 2003 posts from 4chan.net. Browse them here.
Welcome to Oldfriend Archive, the official 4chan archive of the NSA. Hosting ~170M text-only 2003-2014 4chan posts (mostly 2006-2008).
I've noticed recently that one of my laptop partitions makes more noise than 2 others. I'm not entirely sure but it's kind of clicking/tocking, mostly when I write to the said partition. Read is quieter. I have only one drive in this laptop, it's divided in 3 partitions: OS, data I use more frequently (new downloads, install files and such), and data I use less frequently (movies and music, some installers and such.)
The noise occurs on my less frequently used partition. I can hear standard write/read noise immediately followed by a click/tock(not one click just after another though, so I think it's not CoD). After copying files to the partition I can hear a few more write/read-click sequences and it's back to normal without the clicking. Occasionally I can hear a more electronic noise when using said partition. Comparing the noise with failing drives on youtube, my clicks sound quite softer.
Could it be that the less used partition is located further away from the others and head just has to make more moves to read/write on it? The drive is only 2 months old. Also HDTune and CHKDSK showed nothing faulty. I've noticed that the noise is the same as the one I can hear just after clicking 'update' in HDTune's Health options.
The drive is a 2,5" Seagate Momentus 5400rpm 250GB capacity. I would like to note that the drive is actually quite noisier at all times than the same model which originally came with this laptop, even after it got damaged sectors after 5 years of use it's still working quieter than my current disk. The current drive was actually replaces because the first I bought was also noisy like this one but had some weird problems with very long startup.
Im sick of people fucking arguing over this. Do rules 1 & 2 only apply to raids? I only want to hear from fellow oldfags on this, so if u r a newfag and think u kno wat ur talking about... GET THE FUCK OUT.
How can I make Firefox 2.0 give me the option to either open or save as a Zip folder. I think I accidentally clicked something and now it goes straight to the save as dialog.
I just received Xenosaga I in the post and immediately raced upstairs to play it on my PS2 using Swap Magic 3.0, only to find that it doesn't work and randomly OKs the DVD before having an infinite black screen.
I seem to recall reading somewhere that this game is on the DVD-9 format and that it is generally unsupported by most swap disks. Can anyone help me out of this problem. Not only do I have Xenosaga I (NTSC) to play, I also have Xenosaga II which was actually released in the PAL region, so I *could* actually play that now, but I'd rather play the prequel first, obviously.
Hello, fellow Anon.... I was backing up portions of my HD for format.... Well, over the course of a few days, I backed up several directories. Still following? Well, I made the mistake on deleting folders. (I don't know why I did that, just a clean format when done) A few days later, I realized that several of the deleted folders were NEVER backed up... Is there anyway to get them back?? I'm running a windows machine, BTW.