Update 2024-03-27: Greatly expanded the "Samples" page and renamed it to "Glossary".
Update 2024-04-04: Added 5 million mid-2011 posts from the k47 post dump. Browse (mostly) them here.
Update 2024-04-07: Added ~400 October 2003 posts from 4chan.net. Browse them here.
Welcome to Oldfriend Archive, the official 4chan archive of the NSA. Hosting ~170M text-only 2003-2014 4chan posts (mostly 2006-2008).
Goerge Clony and Sandra Bullhorn are a couple of space settlers busy building their space home above some planet in the distant future, when their friend Hueston sees a space satellite mysteriously "exploding" in the distance. They think nothing of it, but then suddenly their space home gets attacked by an invisible space monster called Gravity! (Holy shit, it's fucking invisible!) It chews up their space home and bites a big chunk out of Huestons face, like in Alien! Sandra escapes by doing a huge somersault away from the carnage, and Gravity seems to have left. Clony gets Sandra when suddenly Clony is caught by the lurking Gravity! Sandra tried to rescue him, but Clony sacrifices himself so that Sandra can get away. She leaves the rubble of their space home, to find a bigger space home. She finds one, and strips to her underwear. I don't quite know why, but maybe that's custom in outer space. The place looks pretty messy, but none of the space hobos are in at the moment. Then suddenly Gravity attacks her new home! It breathes fire, but Sandra finds an ice-thrower and bravely fights the space monster! Hooray! ...but Gravity proves too much for her, so she has to hide in a space car that she finds. She hopes that Gravity won't find her there, but suddenly George Clony pops in for a chat! He tells her to escape to another space home, so she does. ...but Gravity is in hot pursuit, so she does this cool thing where she exits the space car with her ice-thrower, doing flips and shit while fighting Gravity. She manages to escape into her third space home, finds another space car just before Gravity chews up this home as well! It had smelled her pussy and wants to rape her bad! ...and then there's an epic chase scene to the planet where Gravity is hurling burning debris after her, but she makes it to the planet, which we will probably see her explore in Gravity 2, while she's fighting lots of Gravities, like in Aliens.
This movie was an excellent slasher, but we didn't get to see much tits, which was disappointing. Also, the ice-thrower looks pretty weak. I would have used a gun or something, but I guess they tried their best to be futuristic.
First, we get ahold of some lemurs (because John Cleese likes the buggers for some reason) and then we track down some remote tibetan temple, and send them there. Then we write John Cleese and tell him that if we wants them, he has to go get them, and also spend six months in the temple trying to reach enlightenment, while we film his bewilderment for entertainment. If possible, you could also send Ricky Gervais over there, because he knows how to ask bewildered people just the right questions.
The final will be contested between Premier League clubs, Manchester City and Sunderland. Manchester City will appear in their fourth League Cup final, and will make their sixth Wembley visit since 2011. Sunderland will be appearing in their second League Cup final, which will be their first visit to Wembley since 1998 when they lost to Charlton Athletic in the First Division play-off final.
The winner of the final is eligible to qualify for the third qualifying round of the 2014–15 Europa League. If the competition winner qualifies for European competitions via their league position, then the Europa League berth will be given to the club that finishes sixth in the Premier League, not the losing finalist.
SELEBRITI : Kim Kardashian baru-baru ini dikatakan semakin kerap mempamerkan bentuk badannya yang seksi kepada umum selepaskan melahirkan anaknya. Namun terdapat gosip yang menuduh dirinya menggunakan teknik photoshop untuk meng 'edit' bentuk tubuhnya agar kelihatan langsing.
Isteri kepada Kanye West ini akhirnya tampil menafikan tuduhan tersebut. Sebaliknya, Kim menegaskan bahawa dia terpaksa berusaha gigih untuk mengembalikan bentuk tubuhnya seperti asal sebelum melahirkan bayinya.
"Cukup menjengkelkan ketika ada orang yang menipu soal photoshop atau mengarang cerita berkaitan pembedahan plastik ketika saya sedang berusaha gigih dengan disiplin!" ungkapnya seperti dilaporkan oleh Aceshowbiz.
"Saya hanya ingin memberi motivasi kepada orang lain. Malah, saya ini menunjukkan bahawa siapapun yang berusaha menurunkan berat badan akan boleh sukses meraih apapun yang mereka inginkan asalkan diri berdisiplin," jelasnya.
Ketika ditanya TMZ berkaitan rahsianya menurunkan berat badan, Kim mengatakan, "Tak mengambil makanan karbohidrat, senaman dan dedikasi."