Update 2024-03-27: Greatly expanded the "Samples" page and renamed it to "Glossary".
Update 2024-04-04: Added 5 million mid-2011 posts from the k47 post dump. Browse (mostly) them here.
Update 2024-04-07: Added ~400 October 2003 posts from 4chan.net. Browse them here.
Welcome to Oldfriend Archive, the official 4chan archive of the NSA. Hosting ~170M text-only 2003-2014 4chan posts (mostly 2006-2008).
Hey /tg/, i would like to know some stupid items you made up and gave to your players (or your DM gave you)
for example: once the players invaded a magicians castle and in one of the rooms they found a staff that the only thing it can do is stand in perfectly equilimbrium, they thought it was an important item and they always take it everywhere
let's talk about how cool shit from real lift stacks up to the stuff in fiction
>The "Blood Qur'an" is a copy of the Islamic holy book, the Qur'an, written in the blood of the former Iraqi president Saddam Hussein over the course of two years in the late 1990s. Saddam commissioned the book in 1997 on his 60th birthday, reportedly to give thanks to God for helping him through many "conspiracies and dangers".
>He explained his reasons for commissioning the book in a letter published by the Iraqi state media in September 2000: "My life has been full of dangers in which I should have lost a lot of blood ... but since I have bled only a little, I asked somebody to write God's words with my blood in gratitude."
>After his fall from power in 2003, the Qur'an was removed from public display. It is currently the focus of debate about what to do with it, as its manner of production is regarded as blasphemous but its destruction could also be seen as blasphemous.
Whenever a Bag of Holding is put inside another, they both implode, losing themselves and everything inside them into the void forever. Other similar accidents have resulted in countless other sort of stuff, sometimes up to and including entire ships or Spelljammers or even a kingdom or two, to have been similarly cast drifting outside the material planes, which has over the millennia swollen into quite a pile of treasure. Due to hidden magical winds within the nothingness, all this debris, flotsam and jetsam, eventually ends up in the same place. A hidden pile of treasure, the biggest in the multiverse, ripe for picking for anyone that can get there first.
Getting in is easy: just get yourself two Bags of Holding, and climb inside one while having the other one with you. Now getting out, or surviving for that matter, is a different thing altogether.
So I got to thinking...has there ever been a DND-type Men In Black game? What would it or the setting be like? What would expanded tales of MIB be like? tl;dr Galaxy defenders thread
Times your GM or other players made you laugh your ass off. >Playing bard >Perform for a group of nobles or some shit >Godly singing perform bonus, roll a 20 >"You've impregnated every woman within earshot with your voice"
We decide to expand further, creating a settlement on the highest peak we can find, as close to the edge of the mountain range as possible. We build it at the peak of this mountain, and the citizens sent there report seeing several of what looked like villages down in the desert that lie just on the edge of the mountain. They can't make out any figures clearly, but they're clearly inhabited. (Naga civilization discovered)
We also start quietly raiding the dwarves. We take out two of their smaller settlements that lie on the surface. They are wiped out without much resistance, they were apparently almost exclusively dedicated to smelting and mining. There were no survivors and we took a good supply of the white metal, as well as schematics for what looked like a giant deformed humanoid made of metal or maybe rock. We also take their tech that was there. (Coal discovered, Meteorite metal discovered, swords discovered, Metal Golems discovered [Don't have the right materials though]. Advanced underground mining discovered.) We sent 80 humans to raid, 30 came back. _____________________________________________ A. Try to improve caves. B. Try to improve weapons. C. Research new technology. D. Practice Magic. E. Found a New Settlement F. Explore _____________________________________________ A1. Betray the Dwarves. B1. Ask for more tech. C1. Renegotiate your Agreement. D1. Quietly raid them, try and pass it off as other dwarves raiding them. E1. Do nothing. F1. Your choice _____________________________________________ Population: 400 (+60 every turn) Farmers: 80 Miners: 60 Militia: 200 Smiths: 60 Idle: 0 Food: Plentiful. Architecture: Underground Fortress Weapons: Pickaxes, Swords, and Bows Tech: Above Average Magic: Below Average Defenses: Natural Mountain Barrier + Narrow Cave Hallways + Gates and Barricades
Won't let me post map, keep getting duplicate image file.
In the fallout storyline everyone but China and the US become so destitute the Europe goes as far as invading the middle east in an attempt to get the fossil fuels needed to restart their economies. In later years it was found that the middle east had long since run dry, and the US had the last remaining oil sources in the world (lol we're not drilling because polar bears).
Its implied that only China and the US were even capable of going to war. The rest of the world had become so impoverished that it had basically become a fallout world before the great war of 2077 even happened...
My question is as such: Could this actually end up happening? We already see thinly veiled wars for increasingly scare resources, and economies, for various reasons, breaking down. Could Fallout be a prediction of things to come?