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Threads by latest replies - Page 11

No.461167 View ViewReplyOriginalReport
I'm an American looking to move to a new country and begin a life there.

I am interested in places that really need people who speak English.

I'm considering the Philippines, Singapore...Hell, anywhere...I'd prefer something in East Asia or the South Pacific.

Pic related: One of the reasons I want out of the U.S.
9 posts omitted

No.462088 View ViewReplyOriginalReport
Hello /trv/. I'm going to take a short trip to Los Angeles for four days next week in order to get some paperwork (transcript, passport, etc) authenticated for a student visa for studying abroad. Thing is, I don't think I need to be at LA for so long, and the extra days are mostly a buffer for that 'just in case' scenario.

So basically, I'll be in LA for a while. Are there any things or places that may be worth checking out? Any interesting events next week? I know E3 isn't for another month, but I'm not going to wait that long so my travel plans can conveniently overlap with it, since it pushes back my university application process.

I'm not looking for the more money-dumping itenaries like a visit to Hollywood or a Dodgers game. I did see some mention of a book festival at USC which ends on May 1, so I'll certainly take part in that while it lasts, though I'll probably get there just in time for the tail end of the event, sadly enough. Anything else? Would it be a good idea to check out the nightlife even though I don't drink?
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No.462365 View ViewReplyOriginalReport
/trv/'s thought on /int/?

intfag here

No.461230 View ViewReplyOriginalReport
Going to Sarasota, Florida in June.... What's good and what's fun???? Pic COMPLETELY UNRELATED?!?

No.462394 View ViewReplyOriginalReport
Konnichiwa, /trv/. /jp/ sent me over here, since their board apparently isn't really about Japan. Who woulda guessed? Anyway, I'm wondering if you folks might be able to tell me what job prospects are like in Japan post-quake.

I'm about to finish law school, and will be a U.S. registered patent attorney (software background) once I pass my bar exams. Pre-quake, I had heard that the job market was good and that I had a decent chance of getting an in-house job. I'd been planning to go since before starting law school. I'd still like to.

Have enough "flyjin" left permanently that Japan needs people, or have corporate budgets been so badly hurt that they cannot hire replacements?

No.461033 View ViewReplyOriginalReport
Hey /trv, OhioFag here. Next week I'm going to visit a friend in Burbank, California for 5 days. Like a cracker moron, I was thinking of doing a "hood" tour (ie Inglewood, Compton, ect). Not actually touring ghetto hoods, more like taking pictures of street signs, because I'm a scaredy bitch. Is all the 'hood stuff hype, or is there more than a grain of truth.

Pic related

No.462173 View ViewReplyOriginalReport
Hey /trv/, I'm in dire straits here.

I'Ve been living in London for the last few months, being jobless for the most of it because I am a lazy fucking faggot who's always had everything given to me, that's basically good at one thing that can't make money (Guitaring/Singing) and that has no experience in anything. I don't have much money left, enough for about a month and a flight home. However, I have a visa which would allow me to work anywhere in the EU. I speak fluently in French and I've been told Belgium would be cheaper and I'd make more cash be able to save more as well as travel much more easily.

I need some help /trv/, I hope you can.
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No.462237 View ViewReplyOriginalReport
OKay /trv/ I have a question which bugs me, why is it there is so much hate for LA due to sprawl yet people love Tokyo which is the king of sprawl?
I'm not trolling, just genuinely interested. I think it might have to do with most of LA being single story buildings that much have useless plots of grass around them but I want a different perspective.
Pin unrelated.
10 posts and 3 images omitted

No.461102 View ViewReplyOriginalReport
So /trv/, I'm going to graduate in 2 years and I'm looking for places like California.

You see, I'm not from America (I'm from Chile), I'm going to get an Electrical Engineering degree and I would like to move somewhere like California; You know, a liberal place with lots of tech-jobs (Think Silicon Valley) and lots of people.

Climate is not an issue, as long as it has the other conditions.

Ideally, I would like to work in the Bay Area, but thanks to American immigration laws, I doubt that will be happening anytime soon.

Any suggestions?
10 posts and 1 image omitted