First, if you still can, ditch the hotel for a hostel. It's cheaper, if you find a cheap one. You might get a few more days out of it.
Second, if you need some lodgings for a while, try WWOOF'ing ( You'll work on a farm for food and shelter. It's hard work but it'll keep you off the street. During this time, find a job. Or do couchsurfing.
To find a job, don't be picky. Go into the nearest shopping location, market street, whatever, and go in each and every store. Ask if they need people, and for an application form. Fill them in on the spot. You're not looking for something fancy, just something to support yourself with for at least a while.
I'm going to be fair, and say you won't find a job nor housing, nor a wwoofing location before 30/4. You'll be homeless for at least a week, with some bad luck a month (hell, longer is also possible. You might have more luck with couchsurfing.