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Threads by latest replies - Page 6

No.462605 View ViewReplyOriginalReport
Hey people

I'm going to 4 different European countries (France, Switzerland, Austria, and Germany) over a span of 9 days. Do you have any tips on packing? How to pack? Packing lightly?

London nightlife for younger people

No.462232 View ViewReplyOriginalReport
My friend and I are going to London this summer. We obviously want to go out and experience the nightlife, but we don't really know any good spots.

We're 18 and 19 and it would be cool to go to some spots with people who are around the same age.

Thanks in advance. pce.
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No.462671 View ViewReplyOriginalReport
http://www.intchan [dot] org/int/
We're a new international board, all non-Americans come at us!
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!!ktZL3VKcdyZ No.458716 View ViewReplyOriginalReport
Hey /trv/, I'm going to New York City on a school trip, and I was wondering what some fun things to do or places to visit would be.

I'll be there from May 20th to the 29th and the hotel is in Manhattan.

Food, theatre, shopping, parks, if you loved it, let me know! Thanks guys.
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No.462670 View ViewReplyOriginalReport
Alright /trv/, I want anything you can give me on this.

I'm 21 and halfway through college at the moment and I'm finding my life to be very... bland. Nondescript. Vanilla. I could tell you exactly where I'll be in five years if I keep this up and I don't like that at all.

So I want to take my shot at traveling. I want to leave everything behind and just go off from this summer until I don't feel like it anymore, whenever that is. Could be a month, six months, couple years, I have no idea. I'm no stranger to living extremely cheap; I've been paying my way through college. What I want to do is get a backpack, cheap laptop, some clothes, and just go places with as little money used as possible.

I've got about 5 or $600 saved up in a bank account and could easily build up another however much at the beginning of summer for a plane ticket, travel visa work, equipment, etc. So my question is, where should I start and how should I go about it? I want to try some if not all the methods I've learned about here on /trv/: WWOOFing, CSing, WorkX, Workaway.info, hitchhiking, fucking staying at temples, all of it. I'm open to everything. What I've been able to come up with so far is to start with WWOOFing in a first world country in the Northern hemisphere for the first bit, and then just go from there. Most likely Europe or Japan. Build up some muscles, then go out for getting small jobs while traveling or just continue WWOOFing about.

Any advice? Am I overglamorizing starting a new life traveling? Am I a faggot? Anything would be helpful.

Going to Paris, could use some sites

No.462344 View ViewReplyOriginalReport
Hey /trv/, I'm going to Paris in about 4 days so my grandmother can see her sister for their 70/65th birthdays.

Going to be traveling with my mom mostly throughout the city and I'm wondering if you guys know of any good places to go see.

I've gone to Paris once before and

I went under the Eiffel tower
Speed walked through the Luvre
Visited the music museum in la villete
Walked through the underground catacombs
walked down the champs elysees
briefly went inside notre dame
went to a small monet museum (kind of boring)
climbed up the arc de triumph
went to monte marte
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No.462658 View ViewReplyOriginalReport
I'm moving to Qatar soon, and I really want to know what it's like. I'll be moving to Doha, so if any of you can tell me places to go, things to see, places to eat, I'd be very grateful. I'm pretty nervous about it, but I want to hear the truth about it, so I'd like it if you said what it's actually like, not sugarcoated or anything.
In return, gollum giving a girl anal.

tl;dr What's Qatar like?

Travelling for sex?

No.461442 View ViewReplyOriginalReport
So me and my best friend are looking to go on a holiday, preferably one where the girls are at their easiest as we need a break from our girlfriends. Where would you recommend? Preferably somewhere nice as well! (within europe probably)
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No.462061 View ViewReplyOriginalReport
sup /trv/
have any of you ever volunteered in other countries before (at schools, at churches, orphanages, farms, whatever) if so, where and how was it? did you go along or with others, and did you meet people there?

I'm planning on volunteering in Ukraine late next year, but am interested to trv's experiences.
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