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Threads by latest replies - Page 8
Quoted By: >>1041164
Loving the series, I hope this goes somewhere, but knowing HBO...it definitely will.
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Good news, yuri can save the very future of his mother
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Resuming from >>996847.
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I don't know what it's called when one girl sneaks up behind the other and grabs her boobs, but more like this.
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do you think Ikuhara can finally popularize yuri with this?
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new pokemon yuri thread
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Dragonball yuri thread
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Betty and Veronica porn.
Because a poly-triad would solve all their problems... that or just the two of them dumping Archie for each other.
Because a poly-triad would solve all their problems... that or just the two of them dumping Archie for each other.
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Continued from:>>1028788
So in today's episode, Hibiki thinks Muse is Waon, Kanade thinks it's Seika (the cookery senpai) whilst the bad guys think it's Seiren.
With all the people thinking up their own theories, it's hard to tell which one's the legit one and which is the 'too obvious' one.
Also I've watched the first 20 episodes of Heartcatch so far. Good stuff, those Itsuki episodes are just brimming with gay.
So in today's episode, Hibiki thinks Muse is Waon, Kanade thinks it's Seika (the cookery senpai) whilst the bad guys think it's Seiren.
With all the people thinking up their own theories, it's hard to tell which one's the legit one and which is the 'too obvious' one.
Also I've watched the first 20 episodes of Heartcatch so far. Good stuff, those Itsuki episodes are just brimming with gay.