Update 2024-03-27: Greatly expanded the "Samples" page and renamed it to "Glossary".
Update 2024-04-04: Added 5 million mid-2011 posts from the k47 post dump. Browse (mostly) them here.
Update 2024-04-07: Added ~400 October 2003 posts from 4chan.net. Browse them here.
Welcome to Oldfriend Archive, the official 4chan archive of the NSA. Hosting ~170M text-only 2003-2014 4chan posts (mostly 2006-2008).
>play kingdom hearts with old disc >main menu starts up >start new game >intro scene never loads >wash disc and put in lens cleaning disc >put KH1 back in >game starts quicker >start new game > it still doesnt work
That game to me feels as if I started it the first time every time I start a new game.
Has this ever happened to you? also stores barley sell the game anymore here in vegas and emulation doesn't feel the same
Okay /v/ it's time we talked about this series. I know, I know "kiddie shit, re-hash, BAH-BAH" and all that, but putting aside the green text and buzzwords. What actually happened to this series?
>New Super Mario Bros First 2D Mario in 15 years. Introduced the star coin collection system Introduced the toad a 1-up mushroom houses Introduced the mini and mega mushrooms Had unique bosses for each worlds, something only done in the Land series. Brought new music, most of it was actually pretty good. Introduced the triple jump
NSMB was a great comeback for 2D Mario. So far, so good.
>NSMB Wii Introduced 4 player simultaneous co-op to the series Brought Yoshi back Brought the Koopalings back Brought Superstar road back Introduced Penguin and Propeller suits Re-mixed the music from the first game, made it worse with added Bah.
NSMBWii as a whole defined itself by borrowing ideas from the old games to try and stand apart from it's DS older brother. Didn't bring much new to the series, but, managed to make Mario into a co-op experience. So on the whole, a decent enough game
>New Super Mario Bros 2 Oh dear Introduced coin rush Introduced paid DLC Ruined the music with one too many BAH Brought back Reznor Introduced Golden Mushrooms
NSMB2 is the first instance of rehash with this series. It didn't bring anything new to the main game, and tried to cover it up by switching focus to coin gathering. This is the reason why the series has a bad stigma.
I understand why they would have all those characters and references to different games, but was all that non-gaming related product placement really necessary?
or the Rayman delay, for that matter. The Destiny reveal kinda shows that no big third party is taking the Wii U seriously. I'm sure the console will have it's share of good exclusives (Bayonetta, MH Tri) but I don't think Nintendo can survive another gen with what games they had for the Wii.
Nintendo needs to get it's foot in American Development and realize they can't just survive on Mario and Zelda (Smash brothers however, might be what saves this thing, as much as I would hate to buy this for one game).
so /v/ let's have another cyberpunk/neo 80's thread, discuss games, post movie, come and relax from the constant trolling and console failure wars happening all over the board
Is Sony retarded? Do they not see what is happening? Nintendo is pulling the exact same trick with the Wii U they did with the 3DS.
Remember what happened with the 3DS? Nintendo deliberately set up its handheld to fail in order to appear weak, so Sony would get cocky and announce a higher price on the Vita. The second the Vita's price was announced, the 3DS got a price cut and was flooded with games. Look at the Vita now, it's the biggest blunder since the N-gage.
And now, Nintendo is doing the exact same thing over again. Sony is going to announce the PS4, and since it thinks the Wii U is doing badly, they'll get cocky again, and they'll get tricked again. Do they really think it's a coincidence that Nintendo is also making announcements on the same fucking day? It doesn't take Sun Tzu to realize this is an obvious trap.