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No.23477841 View ViewReplyOriginalReport
Hey, over here! Hoo hoo! Link...Good to see you again! Listen to this! Hoot hoot....
After going through the Lost Woods, you will come upon the Sacred Forest Meadow. That is a sacred place where few people have ever walked. Shhhh...What's that? I can hear a mysterious tune... You should listen for that tune too... Hoo hoo ho!
If you are courageous, you will make it through the forest just fine... Just follow your ears and listen to the sounds coming from the forest! Hoot hoot!
Hoo hoo! Did you learn an Ocarina song from Saria? That melody seems to have some mysterious power. There may be some other mysterious songs like this that you can learn in Hyrule.
If you hold the Ocarina with (C) where a melody is necessary, a musical staff will appear. I recommend that you play a song you know. I also suggest that you play even when a score is not displayed. Just like this: Hoo hoo hoo hoot hoot hoot!

Do you want to hear what I said again?