Update 2024-03-27: Greatly expanded the "Samples" page and renamed it to "Glossary".
Update 2024-04-04: Added 5 million mid-2011 posts from the k47 post dump. Browse (mostly) them here.
Update 2024-04-07: Added ~400 October 2003 posts from 4chan.net. Browse them here.
Welcome to Oldfriend Archive, the official 4chan archive of the NSA. Hosting ~170M text-only 2003-2014 4chan posts (mostly 2006-2008).
Anansi thread so the old one can die. current story thus far
This story is two parted the first part is about my cousin Brittini, who is the one I mentioned in last nights thread and is a “conjure” or a “root doctor” and is involved in both vodun and hoodoo, which are two different things evidently. She basically told me that she wouldn't write out parts of the story, and would only call me on the phone. Now that being said, like I said last night she lives in the south in New Orleans, but around the time of Katrina she stayed over in a town called Baker near Baton Rouge with my Auntie, who was her teacher in hoodoo.
ITT: Videos that supposedly exist on the internet, but are incredibly hard to find
I'll start with the 5 hour video. This is a supposed screenshot of said video, which is said to contain copious amounts of footage of aliens. /x/ have tried looking everywhere (including the deep web) but have never been able to find it.
Ok, so the only thread 404'd so I hope it's ok if I start a new one and that people remember who I am. If anyone has the archieve of the thread from last night that would be great
Otherwise general spooky shit that's happened to you or people you know thread.
I'm still talking to people and trying to get some facts straight and writing out part of the story now so that I don't take so long to get people into the story.
I have a rather creepy story to tell you, something that actually happened to me last year. /x/ doesnt nearly get enough OC these days so let me share
>Driving cross country from California to Minnesota alone >I want to see some family in North Dakota on the way so my trip takes me through Montana >On the 94 highway heading east >Its getting late and i decide to find a place for me to stay; nearest town in Glendive, Montana >I start calling some motels but none of them have vacancies. fuck i might have to sleep in my car... >I call the Best Western Hotel >"Best Western at Glendive" answers a man on the other end. >Ask if they have a room available. >they do. YES! >30min later arrive at Glendive. Already getting dark >Small town, almost picturesque. Lot of train depos, and appeared to be an agricultural/freight town >Use my GPS to navigate and arrive at the best western >what the fuck? The hotel is boarded up >the only way i knew it was the best western was because there was a sign still attached to the building >must have made a mistake. redial number > "We're sorry, but the number you have dialed has been disconnected" >starting to worry at this point >try again. no luck > the place looks like its been abandoned for at least a year >nope right out of that town >buy some food and spend the night at a rest stop in my car
To this day i havnt figured out who i talked to over the phone or what exactly happened. All i know is that i was pretty terrified.
Pic related. its the hotel on google maps, apparently the map hasnt been updated yet. however if you search for the best western at glendive on google maps it will no longer give you a hit; which is how i found it in the first place
anyone else have some scary road trip stories? Or any stories for that matter...
I blame, the counter culture for all this raiding garbage. We had things great(if not 99% better then now) back in the old days of /x/. So like acid reflux after eating great wings, the counter culture came up our gullets and splatted all over us.
Hey /X/ I have a problem, I'm not sure where to turn and I see people here as some, that may guide me in the right direction. My issue is I enjoy reading/hearing of paranormal activities though never have believed in it, that was until recently. I have been left with no other option than to consider it, hence posting here.
The lady in the house next door to me has a new born child, only on occasion do me and my girlfriend hear the child screaming (we live in the house next to them, our walls are about 5 meters apart at the boundary), though when it seems sick it will cry for days on end.
It is not loud at all but it can become concerning as the new mother (her first child), is managing on her own as the father seems to have left them. She will even scream herself at times, cursing the father and yelling out to someone unknown for help. God perhaps? When we first moved in 6 years ago I actually went around to see if there was anything I can do for her, as the place was obviously getting a bit run down. Maybe I could at least mow the lawns for her, as they were knee deep after the first couple of months of us being there.