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Threads by latest replies - Page 5

No.12030506 View ViewReplyLast 50OriginalReport
Request any goals you wish, in this thread, whether they be social, mental, or spiritual. But know that they must be beneficial to you and NOT disadvantageous to others.

Hello my friends I have something to share with you. I don't care if you believe me or not, but you should. I have recently pushed the eclipse of my comprehension of the truth. Unfortunately this new power, this new ability to manipulate the aether, comes at a price.

I must perform a beneficial minor deed to at least a few people or a significant action to one.
This is not joke. It is in fact crucial to the continuation of my spiritual balance. I will take requests, but know that it is such actions are very trying. Questions of this my knew paradigm are also welcomed.
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A Disturbing Incident

!7U7CIn38nA No.12028196 View ViewReplyOriginalReport
My friends convinced me that we should break into the old clothing store down the road. One of my friends, Daniel, had worked there before it had been closed down and abandoned, and he wanted revenge on the owner.

The owner had apparently closed the store down without any prior warning to his employees one day and promptly fired them all. Daniel had told us stories of an employee who had broken into the store to try to steal from it shortly before the owner made the sudden decision to abandon the place. It had apparently really unnerved the man, as he then packed up and moved out of the county, and we could only assume that he had used the profits from selling the property to open up a new business elsewhere.

This had never sat well with Daniel, but who could blame him? He had talked about doing this for awhile now, so we all decided one night to go ahead and do it. What was the harm? After all, the owner was apparently never coming back, and the property had never been leased to anyone new.
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No.11976750 View ViewReplyLast 50OriginalReport
I humbly request precise and detailed instructions on how to perfom...what you want me to attempt.

Must be /x/ related. I'll choose whichever one sounds most interesting, perhaps more than just one.

Doesnt matter if its ritualistic and I have to get supplies or if its completely psychological or based on a destination, hopefully not too far away. Some might require more prep time than others though so please keep that in mind.

It might be something youre too afraid to try, something you dont have the resources to attempt, or just something you want to be able to relate to someone about, just make it paranormal.

I'll record all attempts on video and upload them for those who make suggestions, I can also stream video of it if its realistically possible to stream the act itself but its probably better to record it for the sake of review than only stream. I have 4 videos on youtube now, if anyone wants the link its right here http://www.youtube.com/user/xroommod and the most recent was an attempt at demon summoning.

I've done quite a few in the last couple years. Midnight Man/Game, Bloody Mary, and 1 Man Hide & Seek are probably the most commonly requested to give you all an example but I've had suggestions for everything from traditional parapsychology (get out your Zener cards) to Ouija Board sessions. Most were streamed, only the last few have been recorded. Also I'd prefer to try new ones or atleast ones I have not documented yet, they will get higher priority when suggested unless a really good reason for repeating is given, sorry.

So what are you curious to see /x/?
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Need creepy voices

No.11992345 View ViewReplyLast 50OriginalReport
Hey /x/
Im making a game and was hoping you could help!

Lend me your voices, record creepy one liners in vocaroo and if they are good enough, I will use them. They can be in another language if you want.
The recording shouldnt last more than six seconds.
You will hear these randomly in the game.

I also accept Dark Ambient songs to use.

The premise of the game is that you get kidnapped at night and wake yourself in an odd house in the middle of a forest. Supernatural shit ensues and you got to survive the night and/or escape somehow.
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No.11993872 View ViewReplyLast 50OriginalReport
I bet most of you have heard about the ''shadow people''.
People claim to see them while being on serious drugs or having sleep paralysis.
They're the lucky ones. Imagine that nightmare does not end. Imagine you start to see one of those things even in broad daylight. It started when I was about seven and a half years old. I started to see it. It appears too look like the hooded figure , with yellow eyes. It never did anything else than appearing in my noticeable line of sight. It always keeps its distance , yet it wants me to realize it's still there. At first I was very afraid of it ,even tried to hide. Then I tried to hurt it, hit it with things or threw them at it. The only thing that happened , was , that this creature just vanished when hit by anything. And reappeared on another location nearby. Eventually I started to ignore it. Yet it is there. I can see it in this moment by the end of the hallway of my flat.
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No.11993338 View ViewReplyLast 50OriginalReport
I'm a time traveller. But I'm not one of the so-called good guys.

I can give this gift to others. But I need places in time I can change things. And I need really specific information. Physical movement isn't a problem.

The "good guys" oppose this. And they don't want me to help you. Truth is, I won't be helping you. But I'll yank you out if you can help me. You'll only be able to travel up or down through time by only a few seconds, assuming you can physically meet me, but it's a start.
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No.11991501 View ViewReplyLast 50OriginalReport
Hello, /x/

What can you tell me about Lucifer?

Pic related.
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!wYFpDCpR5k No.11990295 View ViewReplyLast 50OriginalReport
Hey /x/.
Let's make this short. I recently came across power, more power than you or I could even imagine. However, a catch came along with using it: I have to do a major good deed towards a stranger once a week. I don't know what will happen if I don't do said good deed, I wasn't told that much. Still, I don't want to risk it. This is where you come in, /x/. I am willing to basically grant the wish of one person here. Tell me your name, wish, why you deserve it, and I will pick one of you before I leave this thread. If you think I'm full of shit, don't respond. I'd rather not waste my time reading your ignorant, hate-filled comments. If I get good reception, who knows, I might even come back again next week.
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No.11966908 View ViewReplyLast 50OriginalReport

I was hoping the old thread wouldn't hit the bump limit and I've yet to answer any of the replies, I'm starting a new thread.

This is the OP from yesterday's AA cult thread.

If you were involved in >>11961556 last night, and would like to continue discussion, get in here.

I deeply enjoyed last night's discussion, and had some truly unexplainable things go down. Also, I finally got all of that stuff out of my system. I'll begin answering questions and clarifying things from >>11961556 in the next post.
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No.11961556 View ViewReplyLast 50OriginalReport
Dear /x/.

Based on sheer probability, I'm probably somewhat like you. I'm a white male in my mid twenties. I'm currently lying down in my bed posting from a laptop with a rather annoying head cold, breathing entirely through my mouth. I live in the southeast area of the United States. I'm listening to some music that I enjoy. I work at a decent job that pays me only slightly above minimum wage and I struggle to make it month to month. There is nothing magical about me.

Now then. Since we've established that I am not a special snowflake, and hopefully you've related to some aspect of what I said about myself, I need to tell a story, and explain a few things to you all.

The vast majority of the posters here are roleplayers. The vast majority of people here starting threads about magick, demons, ghosts, aliens, the occult, Thelema, paranormal experiences as a whole are speaking from a standpoint of suspended disbelief and speculation on events that they have not personally witnessed take place.

Purely for the sake of conversation, I will use an example. It is akin to how I would describe Buckingham Palace. I've never been to England, or out of the US for that matter, but I know Buckingham Palace exists. I can picture it in my minds eye, but I've never actually SEEN the palace. Many of it's nuances are just unknowable to me, because I've never been there to experience it's beauty and depth.

This is how most people here are experiencing the paranormal. Through their mind's eye, in their imagination. And that's fine. There's nothing wrong with creativity.

But every once in a while, someone comes around these parts that has had first hand contact with something they can't explain. Some sort of experience that just doesn't quite fit into their worldview; and the memory sits and grows in their brain trying to assimilate, like a square peg trying to enter a round hole. And that, my friends, changes a man. It really does.
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