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Threads by latest replies - Page 7

Post scariest movies.

No.11759129 View ViewReplyLast 50OriginalReport
Sup /x/philes,looking for movies to add to my collection.Start naming movies and how scary it was to you on a scale of one to ten.Will be choosing movies that I think would be interesting.

Pic related it was the last scary movie I watched which was a few days ago.
>Inb4 Grifter
161 posts and 21 images omitted

No.11717244 View ViewReplyLast 50OriginalReport
Creepy documentaries? Preferably on Youtube.

262 posts and 33 images omitted

No.11752243 View ViewReplyLast 50OriginalReport
So I want the scariest stories you got /x/, woods stories, unexplained monster sightings, I want it all!
Scary story thread, preferably what youve experienced.
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No.11746628 View ViewReplyLast 50OriginalReport
In Soviet Russia, Creepypasta happen to YOU!
53 posts and 4 images omitted

No.11743740 View ViewReplyOriginalReport
alright /x/. im at my wits end. ive just been expelled from my college for "promoting hate speach". i mean at first i blamed the
jews. now im just starting to think ive bought into a huge ruse
>staying in dorm for holidays. notice in my buildings lobby there is a flyer for an "ethnic celebration event"
>see there will be a holocoust surviver speaking.
>decide to disguise myself as a jewish man and pry the holocaust survivor into admitting it was all fake while stealth
recording him.
>short on time for the speach is later that night.
>create a pretty passible disguise wearing the nose and glasses off a groucho mask. ripping off the mustache cutting it in two
and using those as eyebrows. a cordervoy sport coat with print out of a 100$ bill visibly stuffed in the breast pocket. i ripped
one of the elbow patches off the sport coat, sharpied a dollor sign on it and wore that as a yamica. a casette recorder
duck-taped to my torso under a suede vest tucked into febreeze soaked sweatpants and new balance sneakers. all the while
holding the big chalice that came with my pimp costume filled with fruit punch to simulate childrens' blood.
>practice scowling and grimacing in the mirror, eventually settle on a mixture of the two.
>give my mom her pill money and head to the event
>"that's the way of the world" by earth wind and fire comes on the radio on my way to the event.
>get so into it i dont realize the line of cars at the upcoming red light.
>screach to a hault coming millimeters to smashing into the car infront of me..
26 posts and 9 images omitted

Mad Libs Spooky OC

!zVnhtB3F2c No.11714872 View ViewReplyLast 50OriginalReport
One person fills out one of the fields below.
List the number and only submit compatible entries.
Shit posts will be pruned from story.

Story title: That Night (OC)

1) Room of a house
2) Noun
3) Liquid
4) Magazine
5) Adjective
6) Day of the week
7) Animal
8) Pet name
9) Noun
10) Plural noun
11) Adjective
12) Adjective
13) Weird noise
14) Noun
15) Pocket sized object
16) Body part
17) Noun
18) Exlaimation
19) Adverb
20) Family member (Type, not name)
21) Adverb
22) Color
23) Liquid
24) Different room of a house
25) Adverb
26) Toy
27) Noun

106 posts and 6 images omitted

No.11708111 View ViewReplyLast 50OriginalReport
Disturbing movies thread. What does /x/ consider the most disturbing films?

Related list: http://www.imdb.com/list/XM_8XW3NqM4/
312 posts and 36 images omitted

Cleachtadh a dhéanann maistreacht

No.11709008 View ViewReplyLast 50OriginalReport
Practice makes the memory perfect. Or the Art of Photographic Memory and Information recall

Since I never see it float by /x/, we're going to discuss how all of you can strengthen your mind for other practices as listed.

- Lucid Dreaming
- Spell casting
- Meditation
- Instant recall
- Repair years of drinking.
- Fortify memory and creativity when using weed
- Get your ADHD working for you instead of against you.
- Build a proper and functioning Tulpa that you can use all your life.
- Students: Absorb information like a sponge

The human mind is amazing in it's ability to recall, sort and develop information. Some of the nuttier of you I suspect will find this handy.

When I was growing up in Catholic school it was a time that you could not have ever graduated grade 6 without knowing about 300 pages of text memorized about meaningless tripe. Everything from canonical law, lord's prayers, hymns, chants, what have you. These are the techniques as I learned them in a time everyone learned latin while in school regardless of their inclination.

You would be surprised what the young mind absorbs when it has no preconcieved idea of the limitations of memory. To this day I have the entire CS Lewis collection memorized and could rewrite it from nothing if I was required. But that was a common theme before education shit the bed and turned into a baby sitting service. You were taught how to use the computer on top of your neck.
107 posts and 8 images omitted

No.11642258 View ViewReplyLast 50OriginalReport
/x/ cannot possibly get any worse than it is right now. Holy shit.

Creepy thread please? Scary Experiences? For the love of all things paranormal lets try to have a decent thread.

I'll start:

>walking home after work at 2am
>no cars on the road
>barely any light at all except a flickering street lamp ahead of me.
>see someone walking my direction but on the other side of the street
>he appears to be wearing a long coat, all black clothing, walking with his head down and long hair blocking his face
>get a little nervous, start walking faster
>he passes me
>I look behind me to see where he went
>not there anymore, nearly shit myself
>start speed walking
>hear footsteps behind me, turn around
>he's fucking running right at me with his hands pointed toward me
>looked like he had fucking nails for fingers
>run as fast as I've ever run in my life
>get home, unlock the door in a split second
>turn on all the lights, lock all the doors
>an hour later hear knocking on my door
>peek out the window
>it's fucking him
>see him scratch his face with what looked like his nail finger things
>proceeds to rub his fucking bloody face on my door
>walks away, stares at my house for about a minute then leaves
>call the cops and tell them about it
>couldn't sleep for days afterwards
>they never found the guy
311 posts and 63 images omitted


No.11623084 View ViewReplyLast 50OriginalReport
Get the fuck in /x/ I built this bunker just incase something did happen.
22 opens the door and 66 closes the door.
623 posts and 150 images omitted