Alright, so I compiled a huge list of information for everyone who wants a recap without hours of searching through bullshit:
Information on Hello, Mailman so far:
Thanatos: "Let's have a quick sum up. This guy emails one of our fellow /x/philes. Giving him these cryptic messages. Then
he says he has it's the end and bids farewell. We have two pictures, one of a room with a person in it and another what
seems to be a basement. We have two wav files, one that is beats, the other a gun shot. We also have this youtube clip of
music with a occult videos and his goodbye pastabin. It some hows ties to a cult that is about UFOs. Lastly, we somehow get
a video of this girl because of "Hello Mail man".
fuckingBob said two 'suspects' could be Dave and Denise Blackett. The two emails are [email protected]<script type="text/javascript">
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[email protected]<script type="text/javascript">
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1st thread:
http://chanarchive org/4chan/x/64970/x-i-need-your-help
2nd thread:
http://chanarchive org/4chan/x/64982/11514562
[originally posted by maskyisagirl]