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[280 / 90 / ?]

!5E9JCwFdVs No.7062570 View ViewReplyOriginalReport
Okay, /adv/, I asked a girl out yesterday, and this is how it went down

>greentext is her
regular text is me.

Two days ago, I texted her:

I was wondering if you'd like to hang out tomrrow
>sure i'd love to, where and when?
I think maybe Starbucks, go over to the park after. Uh around 6pm sound good?
>yes, I'll see you there. c:

We got coffee, talking about random shit, then we got over to the park, sat down on the bench for a bit, then I decided to make a move, but sadly I beta'd like fucking hell and it came out like a waterhose filled with cum.
>i'm sorry, i didn't catch that
I was wondering if you'd like to hang out uh another time again
>oh, sure. but this isn't like an actual date, we're great friends
hehe, yeah i yeah.

So then she left later, but she left her purse, so I caught up to her, but as she said thanks and grabbed it, her, what I assume was, a dildo fell out.

She blushed and then quickly grabbed it and stuffed it back and then;
>oh, i uh sorry that was uh
>i mean
>the gemstone of voluptuous cashews
>i'm making it for art class
>it's more of an encrusted sceptre (here she went on blabbing quickly very fast for a few seconds)
>but uh, yeah...
>so yeah, thanks for the purse, i'll catch you later

She left, and obviously I have no chance of getting her, but what the fuck happened there. She's 20, she's not a virgin as far as I know but she got so nervous and anxious that moment. Would this be somthing normal, i mean as in making some random shit up?

and she doesn't even take art class...