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Update 2024-04-04: Added 5 million mid-2011 posts from the k47 post dump . Browse (mostly) them here .
Update 2024-04-07: Added ~400 October 2003 posts from 4chan.net . Browse them here .
Welcome to Oldfriend Archive, the official 4chan archive of the NSA. Hosting ~170M text-only 2003-2014 4chan posts (mostly 2006-2008).
Frank Stallone !25SwU/5c4.
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Are you just getting started on 4chan, or do you consider yourself an expert?
Have you visited 4chan's text boards? If so, are you aware of the Japanese roots that they've grown from? If not, why not?
Enough questions. It's time for some answers, and you'll get them in this informative one-hour presentation from Otakon 2006.
Panel hosted by Anonymous-san, MrVacBob, Pixel, and Spork.
(August 4, 2006)
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Been waiting for this, thanks!
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I really enjoyed the panel. Good work on the vid Frank.
Spork !DruEvjHjJ6
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Frank, I heartily approve. You're videography is excellent, and I reccommend that you become the "Official 4chan Documentarist", whatever the hell that would be anyways. If I ever need any film work done, you will be the first person I contact! Kudos and a job well done. :D
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Jolly good show, indeed.
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I have to see that everyday in school :P
magnumg !uSXGJ33t/A
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i barely got cut out the no u pic =( i sat to the right of Allyson swears i was intoxicated tho lols
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hay guys wats goin down in dis thread
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Good morning, /con/. How much money did you spend in this last Otakon? I mean, not what you bought in there, like manga, porn, etc. but how much did you spend in like transportation from where you live to Baltimore (bus? plane? on foot?), hotel fees, food, stuff like that. The reason is that i'm planning on going to the next Otakon, and i live quite far from there :o (pic not related)
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Pre-reg: $50
Food: I guess mabey $20
Gas: Free
Living 15 minutes away from Downtown Baltimore and knowing someone with a garage where I could park for free and not have to worry about getting my car stolen: Priceless.
By the way, a tip of the hat to
>>3131 .
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>>3131 gj, a real 4channer.
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0 dollars for room 5 dollars given as a pittance for tolls along the way 60 for food. 70 dollars.
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$10 for a MARC bus up there. Parents are crazy and when I told them I wanted to go they gave me the ticket, $300 room for myself for one night (nothing else was open and a friend told me I couldn't stay with her last minute). let's see... 10+5+1=$16 bucks for food, because something funny happened and I couldn't eat the second day much. Total spent: $26 Lesson learned: Marc trains and crazy parents are your friends. <3
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$40 registration $20 food ----------------- $60 i love living in washington dc
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who was the guy at otakon who had the messenger bag with all the pins on the strap, more specifically the cock mongler pin i want one
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I asked for one right before the panel started and they were all gone. unless he orders more you're out of luck.
Frank Stallone !25SwU/5c4.
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The 4chan panel at Otakon 2006 is now ready for you to download! This is the first of a series that will include the Anonymous BBS panel and Aftermath. Thanks to moot and everyone on Team 4chan for putting on an excellent panel. Enjoy! 1
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>>3609 Awesome, thanks a lot!
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/r/ the SNAX IS BACK song, thanks.
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Someone please uplaod the vid on megauploads or something. I can't use torrents :(
kakihara !pqSgtagZkk
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but what about aftermath?
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Downtown Toronto. Anyone here going to be there? I'm hoping to see some see/avoid familiar faces, finish my Shinn Asuka cosplay, meet the creator of G Gundam, and see what kind of havok the Conventioneers (from Bite TV) may cause. :3
I'll be theeere. I finally got the fabric for my Mikan costume..today. Teehee. But the wig and the pins are all done already, I just have to actually put the jumpsuit together. My friends and I are making a kind of personal documentary about the con weekend, so if you spot the cameras and the pink hair and probably AN's Pyramid Head, totally stop us and say what you think needs to be said. Also, a zombie movie, which everyone should be in. Because zombies are awesome. Of course, we could also organize another meet...More organized this time, so we don't just wander around lamely.
>>3619 It was pretty much a real life /b/ with everyone wandering around. Although it will be hard to find a good meeting place at the expo since there's no hotel like Anime North.
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>>3639 ...
The...the Intercontinental -is- a hotel.
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Run around screaming pool's closed. You'll be found.
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>>3639 how about just the place where registration is every year, people gather there anyway, and when we see a bunch of dudes in suits and with afros we'll definetely know.....
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ITT WE POST OUR COSTUMES and see if we recognize anyone because thats FUN.
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>>3554 Where were you guys on Friday? I'm sad that I missed being able to take your picture!
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Pfft, nah man, I'm that guy way in the back in the white shirt checking out the airsoft guns. What did you think?
Skippy !cGEUCYvn22
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Me, on the left, as Joanna Dark at ACen.
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>>3350 BWAH!!!!!!! YOU!!! My boyfriend (The Lancer) wanted me to dress up as rider, not least of all because of a doujin he found... <_<
>_> <_<
But I was too poor to be able to cosplay. Especially to the level desired by his group. <_<
He almost funded me. Almost. But then he bought a lot of ren'ai figures online instead.
>_> <_<
Fuck that, this is so wrong.
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Are you?
Anonymous !rjA0zcOQ96
>>3621 grats on not being able to read
kakihara !pqSgtagZkk
Was this after the aftermath? Or on Fri?
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>>3720 this was friday night
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I sat next to Snacks at the panel! Really! When I came in, I just sat down next to this girl at the end of the row, she had the next seat over reserved, I paid no attention. Much to my surprise, the owner of the reserved seat was none other than Snacks! No this is not a copypasta, I just took the picture off my camera, I almost never got around to getting it off. Anyhow, anyone else have any interesting stories? And, in addition, who were the two mods that sat next to Moot and the other guy half way through the panel? Lots of wuv, Annonymous
sauce or name of OP's pic plz.
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>>3700 I hope that's a joke...
I shook his hand at AWA 11, then I fapped with that hand, Snacks is god!
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>Anyhow, anyone else have any interesting stories? According to this statement, you seem to think that your story is interesting :(
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ITT WE RAPTOR JESUS! All hail and thank you for such a great sermon!
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>>3313 rest in raptor? x.x
Now see, that's what made the 4chan panel so weak. I was expecting someone there, live in person to have to balls to say that and to actually do something about the 'furry' t-shirt I had on while people were getting all NASCAR. Will 4chan be doing another panel next year cause I'd love to again 'brave' the panel to see who many netards would actually do something, which is zip, especially the tweek that played the reverend. If 'Raptor Jesus' posts here, I was the guy on the last day that walked up to you and asked you what the deal was with the outfit, as you studdered your way to a very guarded reply. Dissing a religion alone shoulda been enough to get you a crack upside the head as it was, but you were cool about, even though you had to be asked 4 times what the whole 'Raptor Jesus' thing was about and the only answer you could think of was "4chan".
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I see what you did there.