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[47 / 4 / ?]

No.8320713 View ViewReplyOriginalReport
Hey /adv/

My dad was pretty abusive when I was growing up. He would hit me but one day he went overboard and stabbed my left eye out with a butter knife. My mom didn't get me a prosthetic eye cause she's afraid of surgery or something. Never really asked her. So I just wear an eyepatch.

So is seeing the eyepatch a turn off? I personally think prosthetic eyes are fucking creepy but I guess I could deal with it if it made me more successful in looking for dudes that aren't absolute shit. Don't ask for a pic. I'm paranoid as fuck and I know what you niggers can do with just a picture.

tl;dr Is seeing a girl wear an eyepatch a turnoff? Maybe not turnoff, but would it make you avoid her?