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No.329283 View ViewReplyOriginalReport
alright /an/

I want to build an aviary. Not a huge one, just a small-ish one that can fit down the back corner of my backyard. I want to keep budgies in it, because budgies are rad.

The thing is, I want to build it myself but I'm not sure what I need to include in a practical sense. I want to have most of it just open, so typical cage wire would do the job there. I'm also considering incorporating some sort of hide-away that isn't open, so the birds can hide there if they get frightened by other birds, cats, or even by my dog (who is old and doesn't give two shits if other animals are in the yard with him). Obviously I'd need roosting areas, and even though I'm not planning on getting any females I'd probably have a nesting box there anyway - just in case in case I ever want to give breeding a try - with the ability to cage it off and separate it from the flock.

I'm not sure what to do for the base. I want to make it as easy to clean as possible, keeping in mind this won't be a walk-in aviary (I simply don't have room for one that big) so sweeping it isn't really an option. A slide-out base seems like the best bet, but on the other hand I want to get a bit ambitious with this and so I would like to put plants and stuff in there to make it more interesting to look at and more "natural" for the birds to live in.

So yeah, anybody here with experience with aviaries who could maybe give me some pointers on what I should be aiming for?