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Green Anoles

No.329542 View ViewReplyOriginalReport

I'm thinking about getting a green anole or two as my next pet (currently have hermit crabs) and by thinking about, I mean like in six months to a year, so I'll have plenty of time for research and setting up a sick joint for them and stuff.

Anyway, I heard they were good beginner lizards and not ones that like a lot of handling, which is what I'm looking for (if I had time to socialize an animal, I'd get a rat). I want a new pet mostly for observational purposes, like my crabs. Just a little bit of time a day to take care of them and then when I'm stressed out I can relax watching them.

Anyway again, basically what I'm asking here is what you guys think of green anoles and if you have any key stories from owning them. Also cute pics appreciated.