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Animal Instincts

No.330916 View ViewReplyOriginalReport
Hey /an/, just posted on /x/ and my brother posted something similar on /k/, and I'd figured it's relevant here as well, so... I'll just essentially copypaste what I posted in /x/, I suppose.

So, today my pets have been acting really fucking strange. (Three cats, one dog.) Even the most energetic and playful of the cats has been extremely subdued today, and the oldest of the cats that usually fights with the younger two hasn't cared to be a bitch to them today.

My dog has been sitting near me the majority of the day just staring at me, and occasionally he'll gently paw at me to get my attention. When I turn to look at him, he just gives me this really serious/ominous/worried look.

So, /an/, the animals are acting up; is the shit about to hit the fan? I'm convinced it is, and I'm quite paranoid that something really fucking bad is about to happen, but I obviously can't ask the dog what.

Your thoughts? Have you guys ever had experiences with your pets acting strange before something amiss takes place?

Pic related; it's my badass dog. eHs intelligent, barks at niggers and doesn't afraid of anything.