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[17 / 0 / ?]

No.332372 View ViewReplyOriginalReport
Hi /an/. I have a question for you.

I got a Crowntail betta fish about 2 weeks ago from PetSmart. Yes, I know, PetSmart isn't the best place to buy them, but the one near me is very clean and they take good care of them.

Anyways, ever since I got him, all he does is sit on the bottom of his tank. He won't eat either. I've even bought him new food (Bio-Gold pellets AND Blood Worms).

I've had betta fish before, and they never acted like this. He doesn't look sick at all, so I'm not sure what the problem is. I put a mirror up to him, and it took him 5 minutes to notice it. Finally, he grew that little flap of skin that they grow when they're mad. Then he swam away in disgust.

Today, we went back to PetSmart and I bought another one. He's perfectly fine and eats like a pig. I can tell this one is healthy and normal.

So here's my question. Do I put the other one out of it's misery, or is there anything I can do for it? I would never hurt an animal, but I don't want him to be suffering. I've nicknamed him "Emo Kid" because he's miserable. Any help would be appreciated. Thanks.

pic related: it looks just like him