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[6 / 2 / ?]

No.984967 View ViewReplyOriginalReport
hi /an/
this is my cat, orion, as you can see her eyes are all crazy. i took her to the vet yesterday because her eye (the orange side) was kinda gunky, and had been for about a week. the vet put some dye in both her eyes and put a black light to it and said that the orange side had a scratch on it. he put some medication in both her eyes. the medicine is atrophine ophth ointment and tobramycin. i didnt put any on her eyes yet for today, but i did notice what you see in the picture. the 'healthy' (grey) eye is fully dialated and the scratched (orange) eye is relatively fine. it still reacts to light.
i called the vet and they said that this is normal and if her eye is still dialated tomorrow, to bring her in. they said that the combo of the dye and medicines can make her eye do that, but i think that it is weird that one eye (the healthy one) is reacting like that instead of both since he put the meds and dye in both.
i dont want to put the meds in her eyes because of the dialation and dont want to make anything worse. i guess i am just looking for some piece of mind.